doesnt matter cause its enough (to be young and in love)

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"Why are we here again?" Hope broke the silence between the group.

"Dad says we have to get out of the school before summer starts and now we're here." Josie answers the auburn-haired girls question, looking around equally as confused. The kids from the boarding have never actually been to a carnival. Well it wasn't really a carnival it was more like an area with loads of food and simple games.

Hope, Josie, Lizzie, MG, Landon and Rafael have been dropped off in Mystic Falls by Dr. Saltzman. Each one of them were more confused than the last. They each recalled Dr. Saltzman telling them to be normal teenagers for once, and no supernatural abilities.

"So, what are we doing first?" Josie questions the group, shrinking into herself as she sees all the attention has gone to her.

"I don't know." Lizzie shrugs. "Let's go MG." She yanks him by the arm and starts walking towards a different direction.

"Come on Lan, I'm starving." Rafael pats the back of Landon's shoulder.

"Oh okay." Landon stumbled forward as he tried to catch up with Rafael.

And with that, Hope and Josie were alone, together. Hope pressed her lips tightly and turned to Josie. "So, It's just the two of us I guess."

"Yeah, I guess so." Josie let out a short nervous laugh. "Anything you wanna do?"

"Actually," She stretches out the word as she narrows her eyes. "Have you ever been to a carnival before?"

The brunette hesitantly shook her head, then looked down. "No, I haven't"

"Then that settles it." The older girl speaks up. "We're doing whatever you wanna do."

"Oh." Is all that escaped Josie's lips. "But, I don't know what exactly there is here."

"Is there anything specific you've always wanted to do or try?" Hope tries to help out the girl.

"I mean there is one thing I've never tried." Josie replies shyly.

Hope tilted her head patiently waiting for the brunette to speak up again.

"I've never had cotton candy." Josie admits, immensely embarrassed. "And I dont know maybe it's just stupid but I've always wanted to try it."

Hope raised her eyebrows. "You've never had cotton candy?" The brunette shakes her head once again. "We're going to get you some, let's go." Hope leads the pair towards the multiple food stands.

Lately, the two have been getting closer. Actually scratch that, the two have been inseparable ever since, well no one knows exactly how, but they're definitely closer than usual.

Once they arrive at the nearest food area, Hope notices Josie eyeing all the assorted candies, snacks and drinks, until her eyes land on a fluffy pink substance.

"Is that it?" Josie points towards the wall where the nicely wrapped cotton candy was freshly put out.

"Yeah, it is." Hope chuckles at the brunette's amazement.

"Uh, two cotton candies please." Hope walked up to the woman selling the cotton candy and gave her the money. The woman quickly grabbed the sugary candy and passed it onto Hope.

"Here." The auburn-haired girl reached out a hand to give to the brunette. Josie hesitantly took the cotton candy and darted her eyes between it and Hope.

Josie finally rolled her shoulders in an attempt to relax herself. Why is she feeling so tense? It's only candy, but something about Hope getting it for her made her feel queasy.

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