ch. 3 what the baby?

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I decided that I should unpack Naruto's things, and get him settled in. I glanced at what Gai had brought. It was kind of a big box for such a little baby. 'How much stuff does a baby even need?' I wondered, finding the baby manual on top.

"I'll read that to you later as a bedtime story." I told Naruto. He was out cold, passed out in my arms, breathing softly. I gently turned my body side to side, like a human rocking chair. He seemed to like it.

I opened the giant box, and removed the foldable crib. I layed Naruto down on my bed, to set it up.

I read the instructions on the tag, and it seemed simple enough. I unhooked all 4 clips on the corners and it popped to life, startling me.

'Is it really supposed to pop out like that.' I wondered silently, thinking it over.

Inside the rest of the box was canned baby food, packs of breast milk, bottles, clothes, a blankie made by Kushina, diapers, wipes, and a few other things that I didn't know the purpose of.

'I'm starting to think that maybe I'm not cut out for this job.' I grumbled.

I placed Naruto gently into his crib, making sure not to wake him, and set the blankie on top of his lower half. I had heard someone say that blankets can suffocate infant's, so you have to be careful not to put it near their face.

Now that I think about it, there are lots of things that are dangerous for babies. 'I'll need to put away my kunai.' I mentally noted. I began to read the baby manual:

~Place breast milk in the refrigerator before it spoils

'I could tell that much on my own.' I followed the first instruction.

~Feed him milk only at meal time, 3 times a day, before nap time (right after lunch) and half a bottle at bedtime. Make sure to heat up the milk so it is warm, NOT HOT

~If he cries after meals then he probably needs to be burped

'That's odd, I've never heard that term before...burped. I need to burp the baby? That doesn't sound right...'

~Stick to a regular schedule, otherwise he'll be extra fussy

I got bored, so I decided to take a nap. My consciousness slowly drifted away as I yawned, collapsing on my bed.

"No, you don't understand Kakashi, the 3 tails is inside me. They're going to release it in the village..."

"Let's go home first, and then we'll figure it out there."

"Kakashi...why did you kill me?" A creepy, bloodstained Rin asked, staring him right in the face.

"I'm sorry Rin, I'm sorry." Kakashi cried out, shaking with fear.

Kakashi woke up suddenly with a cold sweat, blinking back tears, and his heart beating fast.

Thump thump.

Thump thump.

It got faster each time. Kakashi quickly ran to the bathroom muttering, "I'm sorry Rin, I'm sorry." He sobbed.

He repeatedly ran his right hand under the water, trying to get all of her blood off of his hands.

But no matter how hard he rubbed it, he could still see the blood stained on his hands with his sharingan. Tears streamed down his face, flowing at an alarming rate, and guilt lingered in his heart. But it wouldn't go away.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Kakashi repeated, over and over, quieter each time, until he passed out from stress onto the floor.

~A few hours later.~

Why not me? (A Naruto Raised By Kakashi Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now