Ch. 6

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Gai's pov.

I had decided to go and visit Kakashi after our mission was done, to test out his wellbeing. My new mission was to make sure Kakashi was alright.

I arrived at his door.

"Yooo hoooo." I called out, knocking.

An slightly irritated Kakashi answered the door, almost hesitant, as if he were pondering over whether or not he should acknowledge my presence.

"Do you need something?" Kakashi asked in a bored tone, slightly dazed looking. Kinda like he just woke up.

I observed that he had the kid in a strap on his back. How convenient! And totally awesome! I want one of those.

"Do you want to go for a walk with your favorite pal?" I asked hopefully.

Kakashi sighed. "And who might that be?"

My face blanked out for a second, trying to process what he had just said.

"It's me you idiot! I'm your favorite pal!" I told him in a not so friendly tone.

"Oh well. I guess you learn something new every day." Kakashi admitted, coming outside, and closing the door behind him.

'He sounds like an old man.' I thought to myself.

After a few minutes of awkward silence walking around the village, Kakashi asked," Is there any particular reason you wanted me to walk with you?"

Naruto's head twitched slightly after hearing his voice.

"I just wanted to make sure my number one rival was doing okay! After all, I can't defeat you if you're not at your very best!" I explained.

"I'm doing just fine, regardless of what any of our classmates might think." Kakashi said.

'Woah. I thought, how did he know that's where I heard it?'

"If you don't mind, I have to put Naruto down for his nap now, so I'll be leaving." Kakashi added.

Before I could even say goodbye, he had already left in his poof.

I sighed. Maybe something is up with him.
But it doesn't seem like he wants to talk about it at all. That Kakashi sure is good at getting out of things he doesn't want to talk about.

I thought of possible solutions for a minute, unsuccessfully. I know, I bet Sarutobi sensei would know what to do. I'll just ask him, I thought happily, going along on my merry way.

At Sarutobi sensei's office

I was doing my hokage work, looking at papers, ordering around shinobi, when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in." I said curiously.

To my surprise Gai walked in. I just saw him earlier when he and his teammates reported the success of their mission. It's odd to see the same shinobi twice in a day. I wonder what he needs...




Suspense. Until next time!

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