Bad memories with soft boyfriend

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You and Aidan are watching a movie and cuddling but Aidan falls asleep and you notice so you look at him and kiss him all over his face
Y/n:good night my baby
You kiss his forehead and his cheeks and lastly his lips
Aidan:good night princess
He said in a was tired voice and moves closer to you but you weren't tired so you went to eat something
But then you hear something behind you then you feel two arms around your waist
Aidan:baby what are you doing
You turn around  and he push your hair behind your ear
Y/n:not tired I guess
Aidan:come here baby
He takes you to the couch and sits down
Aidan:baby lay down
You put your head on his lap and Aidan grabs a blanket and covers you
Aidan: princess can I ask you something
Aidan:do you love me
You got up and look at him in his eyes
Y/n:why would you ask me that if the answer is yes
Aidan:because I feel like I'm to clingy and like I feel like that anno-
Y/n:Aidan I love you and you are sometimes clingy but it shows me that you love me and it does not annoys me
Aidans smile so do you
Y/n:baby I will forever love you no matter what okay
He nods his head and you go on his lap with both legs on each side and kiss him while playing with his hair
Aidan:I love you
You kiss his nose
Y/n:and I love you too
You continue to make out then Aidan takes of your shirt And you take off his
Aidan: gosh your hot
You giggle
Y/n:Mmm really
He kiss your neck
Aidan:hell yeah
As he was going to take off your bra Aidan phone rings He groans but he answers it
Aidan:dude what the hell it's like 2am what do you want
A/f:okay grumpy I just wanted to ask if you want to hang later
(Aidan friend)
Aidan:dude why are you asking me this right now
A/f:because I know for a fact you weren't sleeping you are having sex with your girl
Aidan:yes I was so what but the point is I will go but leave me alone
A/f:alright but don't fuck the girl too hard
Aidan hangs up
Aidan:okay y/n where were we
He turns around and sees you sleeping
Aidan:you are so cute when you sleep
He kisses your nose
And cuddles with you

The next day
Aidan wakes up and goes to the kitchen
Y/n:good morning baby
You get up and kiss him

Aidan:why good morning to you as well
He sits down
Aidan:hey baby later I'm going to hang out with my friend if that's okay but I think they are coming here 

Y/n:of course baby but I'm going to take a shower

Aidan:okay I will join you
You smile so does he

1 hour later
You both get Change and went downstairs and then you hear the door knock and you see his friends
Aidan:hey guys come in
They all come in but it was like four friends and you said hello to them
You go to your room and watch Netflix Aidan calls your name so you go downstairs and see Aidan drinking with some of his friends

Y/n:yeah what's up

Aidan:we are hungry so go make us food now *he sounded a bit drunk*

Y/n:oh umm sure I will see what I can make

Jack:gosh your girl is ugly why you with her
One of Aidan friend

Aidan:I don't know  honestly
You heard Aidan said and it made you sad

Jaeden:well if you don't want her I will have her
They all laugh at him even Aidan and you can hear what they are saying but you were done with the food so you bring it to them

Y/n:here you go
You put the plate down and then accidentally spill it all over Aidan and he got up

His friends was laughing and you got a little scared because it reminded you of Noah when Aidan was there
Y/n:I'm sorry
You go in the kitchen and Aidan follows you
Y/n:ummm here put this on its clean I promise I'm really sorry I am
You were speaking so fast that Aidan stopped you by holding your arm tight

Aidan:shut up okay just clean up gosh your so worthless and ugly
You looked down and  wanted to cry but didn't but you couldn't hold it so you cried right in front of him
Y/n:I'm sorry please don't hurt me I didn't mean it was on accident
You whisper

Aidan:I don't care clean up and stop crying it's going to make them think I'm dating some dumb stupid worthless girl which I am but just stop

2 hours later
Aidans friends left and Aidan was sleeping on the couch and you were clean up once you were done you went to the room and just sit on the bed crying and calling yourself what Aidan called you but it just gave you horrible memories from you ex Noah but you saw the guitar you give Aidan so you decided to play it for couple minutes then Aidan woke up but you didn't hear him But then you feel a hand on your shoulder so you turn around and see Aidan so you quickly got up and put the guitar down and started to panic

Y/n:I'm sorry I really am I just wanted to try I'm sorry just please forgive me I know it's your and I'm worthless to even be with you but I'm sorry but please just please don't hurt me
You just started talking fast and Aidan just looked at you
Aidan:y/n calm down what you are talking about

Y/n:well umm you invited some of your friends and got drunk and called me a worthless and ugly oh umm and a dumb stupid girl and I accidentally spilled some food on you and I'm sorry

Aidan:stop saying sorry gosh I'm so stupid to call you does things
You look down
Aidan:baby look at me
You look him

Aidan:you are NOT worthless or ugly okay your beautiful and you are definitely not stupid or dumb okay your sweet and kind okay I'm stupid
He hugs you and you just cry

Y/n:but it's true all those things I'm worthless I embarrass you by spilling food on you and I'm ugly just look at me

Aidan:NO NO NO I'm not allowing that talk from you because you are more then what you think
You smile but you still hurt by the words

Y/n:I just memories from my past life

Aidan:oh gosh baby I'm sorry come here
You go to him and he hugs you so tight

Aidan:listen to me okay I'm sorry you don't forgive me now but all does things I said to you I don't mean it
His kisses your head Then picks you up and puts you on the bed
Y/n:I forgive you I'm sorry for embar-

Aidan:you never embarrass me okay
You *kiss on your forehead* are *kiss on you nose* perfect *kiss your lips*
He plays with your hair while your bury your head to Aidan chest and fall asleep

Aidan:you are cute sleeping
He kisses your forehead and fall asleep

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