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So one of your friends asked if you can babysit her child for 1 hour and you said yes but Aidan was with his friends so you went to park with her child

Y/f:once again thank y/n you are so helpful

Y/n:no problem I'm happy to help

Y/f:how is you and Aidan

Y/n:he is hanging out with his friends and we are good

Y/f:that's good well I have to go Bye Nicky bye y/n

Nicky:bye mommy

You close the door and Nicky just stands there with a teddy bear

Y/n:what you like to do Nicky

Nicky:ummm can we go to the park

Y/n:of course and we can buy ice cream

You both walk to the park and you both get there You sit down and watch Nicky play with some kids

Nicky:hey y/n look what I made

Y/n:oh wow it's awesome and who are they

Nicky:these are my friends their names are Ricky,dicky, dawn

Y/n:well it's nice to meet you three but Nicky we should get going

Nicky:awww okay byee guys
He gets up and waves at them

Ricky dicky dawn:bye
They wave back and you both start walking back home and Nicky started talking about how much fun he had

Nicky:and then Ricky started telling dicky to stop


Nicky:uh huh

Nicky:Ricky is smart and dicky is well dumb
You started laughing

Y/n:aww I think dicky just needs more learning doesn't mean he is dumb

Nicky:yeah I guess your right
You unlock the door and see Aidan on the couch

Y/n:hey Aidan
You kiss him and Nicky makes a disgusted face
Aidan:hello and who is this

Nicky:I'm Nicky

Aidan:well nice to meet you Nicky I'm Aidan

Nicky:Oooo were you playing video games

Aidan:yep wan to see

Nicky:yes please
Aidan and Nicky sit on the couch and Aidan started playing a game on his phone Nicky is watching

3 minutes later

Y/n:hey ba-

Aidan:shh he is sleeping
Nicky was sleeping on Aidan chest

Y/n:Awww he is so cute

Aidan:hey what about me

Y/n:you too

Aidan:I know I am
You smile and kiss him

Aidan:I'm going to get a blanket for the little guy
He carefully get Nicky off him and gets a blanket and covers him

Aidan:where did you guys go that got him so tired


Aidan:oh really without me
You smile and he kisses you

Y/n:yes we did

You laugh and Aidan picks you up and takes you to the kitchen counter

Y/n:Aidan put me down

He sets you on the counter and started kissing you while you play with his hair

He scared you and Aidan

Aidan:hey buddy you enjoy your nap

Nicky:yeah I'm hungry

Aidan:yeah me too I'm was ready to eat something
He looks at you and smirks while you roll your eyes and got off the counter

Nicky:can we have pizza

Aidan:yeah let's have pizza
Aidan picks Nicky up and Nicky laughs

Y/n:okay pizza it is

You order pizza and you Nicky and Aidan start eating and laughing

Nicky:thank you mom- I mean y/n
For some reason your heart jumped from happiness But then you three hear a knock
You go answer it and it was your friend she was here to pick up Nicky

Y/n:hey Nicky your mom is here

He runs to her and hugs her

Y/f:hey Nicky did you have fun
Nicky nods his head

Nicky:yes we had pizza and we went to the park

Y/f:did you now

Aidan:hey who is at the door

Y/n:it's y/f/n

Y/f:hey Aidan

Aidan:hey I didn't know you were coming

Y/f:yeah came to pick up this little guy

Nicky:Hey I'm not little

Y/f:okay your not but we should be going

Y/n:well bye


Y/f:oh and here
She hands you 50 dollars

Y/n:oh thank you

Y/f:no problem
You close the door and go to Aidan who was in the room

Aidan:hey princess

Y/n:hello I'm glad Nicky had fun

Aidan:you know he almost called you mommy

Y/n:yeah I noticed

Aidan:to be honest you would be a good mother


He pulled you to him with his hands around your neck and kissed you

Y/n:well you would be a great dad

Aidan:oh I know our mini Aidan would be sexy like his dad
You started laughing and so did Aidan

Aidan:what I'm telling facts

Y/n:I mean our mini y/n would be beautiful just like me

Aidan:let's watch a movie

You both go on the bed and he picks the movie But half way of the movie you both fall asleep but you wake up and turn off the tv

Aidan responded with a sleepy voice

Aidan:goodnight baby
You both fall asleep

A/n:like I said before if I don't have a relationship like this I don't want it🥲✌️

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