Chapter 8- Meeting The Burgler and Eating Oreos

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I lower my frying pan, but still keep it in my grasp. Just in case. We've been here for a few minutes, just staring at one another. I realize this as I glance at the clock. 2:34. Damian left at 1:45 and said he was going out with friend which probably means not getting back till 3:30 or 4:45. I sigh and start clenching and unclenching my left hand. Fist, Out, Fist, Out. I see his eyes flicker down to my hand them back up to my face. I narrow my eyes and stop my movements. Clearing his throat, he opens his mouth to speak. I interrupt him.
"Wait! Don't you dare say anything! First, what are you doing in MY house! Not yours! M-I-N-E."
"Well, your front door was unlocked so I let myself in. I knocked. I'm actually pretty surprised you doddnt hear it, you look like you should have good ears to go with that pretty head," he winks as he says that.
I look at him with a blank expression, than I slowly shake my head "no". His lips quirk up in a smile, showing me perfectly white, straight teeth. I flick my eyes back up to his face to get a good look at who I'm dealing with. He's plenty taller than me. Looks 6'3 about, maybe taller while my 5'8 doesn't even match that. He has high cheekbones and tan clear skin. He's got these dark eyes that seem to just let you get lost in there deep, endless.... WOAH!! Okay, back to the universe Kash. I blink and shake my head a couple of times. By the time I look back up at him, he's smirking. I glare at him and stomp my feet childly. He rolls his eyes and leans on our marbled counter. I raise my eyebrows at him.
"So, what's your name Top Dog"
I stare at him as the nickname falls off his lips. My mouth falls open, just gaping at him. I huff and decide to ignore him, reaching up on my tippy toes. On the top of the fridge, my dad puts a packet of Oreos. He knows I have to struggle with getting them and that's why he puts them there. I hear The Guy laughing behind me. I glare at him through the corner of my eye. I hear him get up and then I see his tan hand grab the Oreos. I stop struggling and turn around to see him standing there smugly with the Oreos in his hand. I mutter a "thanks." I see him smirk and then he says those words which make me growl.
"What did you say? I couldn't hear you."
I grit my teeth to keep the growl in as I say it again.
He nods and hand me the Oreos. I rip open the package and start to take out one to munch one. To make me more agitated with him, he reaches and grabs one. At my glare, he pops it in his mouth. After he swallows it, he speaks up again.
"You never answered my question." He states.
I sign and run my hand through my hair.
"Name's Kash. It's a pleasure to meet you" I sarcastically say the las part.
He smiles and nods his beautiful face. Wait what?! I did not.. Ugh! I look at him, narrowing my eyes as I realize I never got his name.
"And you're name?" I said, mentally hitting myself for not coming up with a good nickname on the spot.
"Damion" He answers shortly.
"Like Damion Wolf? Or Damion Otherlastname" I ask.
I cross my fingers and hope for Otherlastname.



So, another short chapter on my phone! I am using my phone because my computer got dropped somehow! So yeah, maybe I wrote a bit more this chapter I won't know! Yep I know I've been updating more than I have! 2 chapters!! 2 days in a row?! Short chapters but hey! At least I updated! So... You know what to do!

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