Chapter 13

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The next day.

They all got up around 10 .
But marinette got up early bcuz she had dropped the act of clumsy silly and now lazy

'Good morning everyone, I'll be going for a walk and don't worry I'll grab a snack or two on my way' marinette wrote the note on a a sticky note and stuck it on the living room table so that everyone could find it

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'Good morning everyone, I'll be going for a walk and don't worry I'll grab a snack or two on my way' marinette wrote the note on a a sticky note and stuck it on the living room table so that everyone could find it.

When everyone else got up they read the note and started with the morning routine along with breakfast.

Marinette came back around 12 covered in sweat.

"Go get freshened up then we'll discuss what to do today" Alya ushered marinette in the bathroom.

After bathing

So what do u all want to do today marinette asked

That's what we're all thinking but I think we should rest Chloe said

I feel tired too Ivan said with half eyes open

All right the rest today but I was thinking of selecting the dresses for the coronation but we can do that tomorrow , is that okay marinette lightly laughed

Sounds good all agreed

Sooo they all rest for the rest of the day and marinette made some calls for the dresses

Next day morning

*Yawn* Chloe , Alya, Nathaniel and mylene came in the living where they saw narinette and Adrien standing and giving instructions to someone and when they saw the the things beside them

Chloe shrieked " yeeeee!!!!!!! , where In the world did you get so many beautiful, stunning dresses??!!!!!!!"

Chloe shrieked " yeeeee!!!!!!! , where In the world did you get so many beautiful, stunning dresses??!!!!!!!"

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( I couldn't find anything for boys)

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( I couldn't find anything for boys)

Hearing Chloe everyone was awake and in the living room

"Oh u all are awake I told these people to get the dresses for the coronation here, so as to not trouble the boys from one shop to another"marinette smirked

"U are our saviour marinette!!" chorused the boys

"Hah, all right people choose the dresses you would like to wear for the coronation after eating breakfast" marinette said

"Yay!!!" the girls exclaimed.

They all ate their breakfast and went to choose their gowns and tuxedos

As choosing a wear for an important event takes a lot of consideration it took them an entire evening to choose.

By the time They all chose their dresses it was around 6. So, they rested for half an hour or so and ordered lots of food because they didn't have lunch and they were hungry

 So, they rested for half an hour or so and ordered lots of food because they didn't have lunch and they were hungry

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And then of course they all went to sleep

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And then of course they all went to sleep

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