Chapter 9

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After having dinner they all went up to their suite

"Well now ladies and gentlemen welcome to my personal suite", marinette announced opening the door.

"Well now ladies and gentlemen welcome to my personal suite", marinette announced opening the door

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(Living room )

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(Living room )

"Awesome dudette can't believe u actually own this place!!" Nino complimented.

"Now everyone go find your rooms there will be nameplates on the door check it and enter", Marinette said stretching out a bit.

"I'm also going to rest with her" adrien added turning around and following mari.

Marinette and adrien entered their room

"Woah mari your rooms, awesome!" adrien said

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"Woah mari your rooms, awesome!" adrien said

"I know right"

Just then marinette was about to jump on her bed to rest they heard a scream from Chloe 's bedroom.

Marinette and adrien glanced at each other and went to check out what happened.

As everyone heard the scream they all burst into chloe 's room.

"What happened why did you scream?", everyone asked.

When everyone came inside the room they all sweatdropped seeing a chloe jumping around the room in excitement.

Then she rolled and jumped on the bed.

When she saw everyone she stopped doing her nonsense.

"Why did u scream?" Marinette asked on behalf of others. "U were clearly enjoying".

"That's right I screamed in excitement", chloe answered.

"Who screams in excitement" Kim mumbled.

"Well , chloe because of your scream j didn't even get to see my room I was about to open the door but your scream came in my way" said a clearly pissed off alya.

"Umm sorry about that but can't u see this beds so soft me and Nathaniel are going to enjoy our selves" Chloe said.

Everyone smirked at her and Nathaniel.

Chloe realised her mistake and blushed heavily.

"What I meant was we were going to enjoy each others company in the bed no-no-no I m-ean we a-are going to- ugh", chloe stuttered out but then she buried her face into the pillow realising if she says more she'll make it worse.

'Ha ha ha' everyone laughed at chloe stuttering.

"You lot have seen enough now off u all go" blushing Nathaniel pushed them out.

"Before u push us out let me tell u after refreshing up come in the living room", marinette said.

"OK ok out u all go now" nath said closing the door of his room.

"That was quite a show she put up there" alix chukled.

"Agreed" max and sabrina said in unison

"Well u all also don't forget to come in the living room after refreshing up" marinette reminded.

"Okay" everyone answered and left .

"Let's go get freshened up milady" adrien said

"Of course my knight in black armour" marinette winked.

And with that they to freshen up.

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