Chapter 5

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Sorry for not updating for such a long time but I will try and update much frequently

Marinette pov

I woke up and started getting ready after about 15 minutes I got ready and went outside and saw Limo ready to pick me up

My outfit

My outfit

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I got into the car and greeted my driver and ask him to drive to Caesar residenceWhich areas house I knocked on the door and she opened I saw her wearing this

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I got into the car and greeted my driver and ask him to drive to Caesar residence
Which areas house I knocked on the door and she opened I saw her wearing this

I got into the car and greeted my driver and ask him to drive to Caesar residenceWhich areas house I knocked on the door and she opened I saw her wearing this

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Her mouth was slightly apart when she saw my outfit
"girl u look awesome" alya said.
"thanks u look gorgeous too", I said"
and I came to pick u up now let's go we don't want to get late, now do we?"
she nodded and we went outside the house she was too shocked.
"did adrien send the limo"
"nope "I replied it's mine
"but how? "
"Well that the part of a secret which will be uncovered in Russia itself"
"ok" she said dumbfounded

We went in the limo started playing song games and much more

They reached the airport

Normal pov

Everyone from marinette's class was shocked to see a limo because rich kids like chloe and adrien had already arrived.
Most shocking was to see marinette and alya getting out of the limo laughing and giggling

Everyone surrounded them "whose limo is that mari" alix asked "mine" marinette replied only to see their shocking faces "but how" they all asked in unison while adrien laughed at a corner taking the fun of the whole senerio
"Well that's a part of a secret which will be uncovered in Russia itself" she replied
"ok class" Ms bustier clapped her hands to grab their attention "pick up your luggage we will now travel in marinette's private jet"
everyone was now more shocked and looked at her
while marinette just chuckled nervously

Everyone surrounded them "whose limo is that mari" alix asked "mine" marinette replied only to see their shocking faces "but how" they all asked in unison while adrien laughed at a corner taking the fun of the whole senerio "Well that's a part of ...

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Everyone's mouth dropped once again they saw the jet
"okay everyone I will now assign u your partners which will be fixed" ms bustier announced "chloe and Nathaniel ,sabrina and max, Kim and alix ,nino and alya, Ivan and Mylene, rose and juleka lastly marinette and adrien"

I hope you all like it please
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Please note: I will try and update in 3-4 days check the reading list and my other story

Thank you ~~~

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