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THREE YEARS OLD RACHEL pretty much didn't understand half the things people spoke around her just as how people didn't understand half the thing she spoke. But that didn't mean she didn't get it when someone was excited about something.

When she had heard her cousin Cami squeal around about wearing pretty dresses for the tea party at the castle with her friends from the other kingdoms, Rachel had rumbled through her own closet for her favorite gown.

As she sat in front of her dad dressed in the blue princess gown with frills and nets and everything nice, her eyes turned googly at the sight of her father painting her toe-nails with careful precision.

"Dada, what wis wea warty?" She asked with curiosity gleaming in her turquoise orbs.

Her father looked up as he finished painting the last toe-nail.

"You mean, tea party, Rach?" Daniel asked his daughter with a smile who nodded her head vehemently like a bobble head.

Daniel pondered over how to explain, "Its like a gathering where the girls serve each other tea and talk, I guess?"

Little Rachel nodded her head again as if she understood her father's words.

Looking at his daughter, the werewolf prince seemed lost. He knew she didn't understand a word and he had no clue how to explain.

"Baby, it's like princess party in Sofia the first." Ariana, his wife said from the doorstep smiling at the father-daughter duo.

Rachel instantly seemed to understand as she squealed and ran over to her mommy in excitement who in return picked her up and kissed her cheeks.

Daniel stared in awe.

These were the times he adored his wife even more when she spoke and understood Rachel just as well as she understood him.

"Rach, stop moving. You'll mess the colour up." Her father pointed at her toe-nails in mortification which had taken him half an hour to paint.

"Whoopsy." Rachel giggled as Ariana put her down on her feet.

"I'll go wincess warty!" The little girl squealed before running out the room with her small chubby legs and floppy steps.

Daniel and Ariana looked at their daughter with fond smiles on their faces.

* * *

As Rachel waited beside her cousin for their guests to arrive, she craned her neck to catch a glimpse of a black car approaching through the gates.

"They wis here!" She squealed and Cami grinned down at her little cousin.

The car pulled in through the driveway to halt in front of the two werewolf princesses who stood at the entrance garden of the castle.

The first girl to walk out of the car was Andrea who was dressed in a black frock and had cat eyes goggles on which hid the view of her eyes. She flipped her shoulder length hair over her shoulder in a dramatic way and sauntered over to the waiting princesses.

"Hi, Cam!" The vampire princess hugged her girl bestfriend and then flashed a bright grin at Rachel, "Hey, cutiepie!"

"Hey." Rachel whispered, placing her hands over her mouth to suppress her giggles.

'Andrea was cool because she always called her cute.' Rachel thought.

"Where's Nora and Elizabeth?" Cami asked glancing over Andrea's shoulder for the rest of her girlfriends.

"Nora got sick so she couldn't make it and Liz is busy doing homework due for tomorrow." Andrea chimed in stopping her search.

Cami looked at her friend in question, "Don't you have homework too then?"

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