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SIXTEEN YEAR OLD MURIEL HELLION'S major occupations included ogling hot guys and crunching Doritos.

Seated on a straw chair under the scalding hot sun at the beach with a large bag of chips in hand, grey eyes fixated on the shirtless players playing volleyball, those two were the exact things she was doing right now.

Her younger brother by a year, Leondro, sat next to her on a similar resting chair, his gaze exactly where his sister's was set.

"Leo, isn't that dude too hot for the living?" Muriel sighed dreamily, pointing her index finger at the half-naked teenager guy in the center before popping a Doritos into her mouth.

Leo stole a chip from Muriel and nodded vehemently, "He's a crime to exist in plain sight."

Muriel swatted away Leo's hand from her Doritos just as someone hit both of them on the back of their heads,

"You perverts. Have some decency. You're both openly drooling." Raven, the youngest Hellion, shook her head at her siblings before flopping down on the unoccupied chair.

"What's wrong in appreciating beauty?" Muriel whined, stuffing more chips into her mouth.

"Could you blame us, Rave? Look at them. Sexiness on full display. I might pass out." Leo fanned himself dramatically.

Raven face palmed herself, "The future throne holders of the demon and the siren court are born perverts. What would happen to this world?"

"I have no interest in court business. You can take my throne. I give it to you happily." Leo passed Raven a lazy glance before trying to steal another chip from Muriel.

Muriel glared, shashaying her doritos out of her nuisance of a brother's reach.

Raven shrugged, "Not interested. Those demons creep me out." Her brown eyes peered around at the players as if looking for someone.

"Says a demon herself. If you were a siren like Muri here, I'd have still understood." Leo huffed, tugging at Muriel's hideous pink-haired pigtails when she yet again refused to give him her chips.

"Oh, I'm a demon alright. And so are you, Leo. But we don't have inky eyes-" Raven paused mid-sentence as a ball flew in her direction with rapid speed.

Before it could hit her face, a gush of wind blew across. Then someone had blocked the ball and caught it in time.

All Raven was left with was the sight of a lean, golden skinned, naked back. The youngest Hellion blinked and then blinked some more as the guy who'd stopped the ball from hitting her turned in place.

"Sorry about the ball, Raven." Aiden Hernandez, her father's best friend's son, glanced down at her.

He was supposed to look gross. Really really gross soaking in sweat under the sun after an intense play of volleyball.

But Raven just couldn't take her eyes off his face. His sweat streaked shoulder-length hair clung to his temples and those hazel eyes boored down at her with an apologetic look.

"Oh, don't worry, she doesn't mind at all. Do you, Rave?" Muriel's loud obnoxious voice held a tinge of teasing which snapped Raven out of her stupor.

Her cheeks heated and eyes widened as she nodded her head vehemently murmuring it was fine.

Aiden's head whisked towards Muriel at the sound of her voice and he smiled, "Hey, Muriel."

Muriel narrowed her eyes at Aiden as if she saw the guy for the first time, "Hello." She grumbled.

Leo jabbed his elbow into his sister's ribs at her curt, rude reply before trying to snatch her Doritos again.

This time, Muriel seemed to loose it as she grabbed Leo's hair in a painful grip, "Stop eyeing my Doritos, you piece of-"

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