Lovely Writer

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"Dahyun! Come on! Hurry up!"

Chaeyoung shouted at her sister from downstairs. She's all ready but her lazy sister is still upstairs, doing God knows what.

"I swear to God, Dahyun, if I don't make it on time I'm gonna kill you!" she shouted once more, this time threatening her.

After minutes of madly waiting, Dahyun finally came down. If she just knows how to drive and didn't need her sister to accompany her, she wouldn't wait like this for long.

"Goodness, Chaeng! Relax it's still so early, we'll make it on time" Dahyun rolled her eyes at her. "You're so serious about getting this book, you're even bothering me"

"You don't understand, okay? This author.. her masterpieces are so amazing like really!" Chaeyoung explained with so much admiration while they're getting inside the car. "I've been waiting for this book to be published, she's on a hiatus for a long time. And it's not just a simple book, it's a limited edition!"

"Really? Is she that good?"

"No, she's that great! This is just a one day sale for a limited book, she has lots of fans.. so I'm telling you now if I can't buy this because you're so fucking slow to move, I'm really gonna forget you're my sister!"

Chaeyoung has been a fan for years now of this anonymous writer. Anonymous in a sense that no one knew what she looks like, no one even had a chance to meet her in person. Chaeyoung joined a fan page of her to find other information about her books and also her but there's nothing much.

All Chaeyoung knew is that this writer is a girl with a pen name of Miss Ballerina.

Everyone is curious about her, everyone wants to meet her. But.. they all know it's imposible. They even don't know any of her social media accounts except her email. Chaeyoung wanted to meet her so bad, she wanted to have her autograph. She wanted to thank her personally for creating such beautiful books that saved her from loneliness.

Chaeyoung is a book worm, she likes to read lots of books and to discover different authors with different masterpieces. But Miss Ballerina just hits her differently, she just caught Chaeyoung's attention in some way.

She can't explain why but... she's really dying to meet her.

Just like as what Chaeyoung expected, there's already a long line waiting for the bookstore to open. Chaeyoung was so frustrated once she saw that and even if Dahyun was still driving, she wanted to go out of the car and ran towards the end of the line.

"See! There's already a lot of people" she groaned in so much frustration.

"Instead of whining and getting mad at me, why don't you just go out now and join the queue" Chaeyoung glared at Dahyun before opening the door. "I'll come back for you later so just text me, okay?"

Chaeyoung made an "okay" sign with her hands as she ran towards the book store. She was panting when she's already on the line, almost five people was added before she can join.

She was adjusting her hoodie when the girl in front of her started talking.

"Hi! I'm Sana" she smiled at Chaeyoung and held out her hand.

Chaeyoung gladly took it and shake hands with her. "I'm Chaeyoung"

"So... I guess you're also a fan of Miss Ballerina!" she chuckled cheerfully. "I can't believe that she already published another book after being on a hiatus for two years. It's just sad that its a limited book"

"Yeah.. I waited so long for this and I just hope I can get a copy of it"

"Me too! Do you think she can perhaps... show up today?" Sana asked while whispering at her.

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