Choose You

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During Sixteen...

There's a segment for every members where we all pick questions and answer them. Out of all the questions that I picked, this question is the most unexpected one. Yet, as unexpected as it is, strangely I already knew what or rather who to answer.

Question: If you were a boy, which SIXTEEN member would you date?

I didn't even hesitated even a second to answer it. With an all smile while feeling happy about it, I answered straightforwardly.

"For me, Chaeyoungie!" then I giggled. I felt like I need to elaborate it more, so I did.

"She's feminine, but... what is it? Even though she's a girl, she has some cool traits, and she's a little bit sexy"

Then, I repeated it once again. As if I was making myself clear to everyone even though nobody was doubting even a single bit.

"For me, Chaeyoungie! She's my style"

And yes, you really are. After answering, I just laughed it off but deep inside I was starting to have a dilemma. When everything I said finally sink in to me, I was a bit scared. Questions started to arise on my mind.

Am I too obvious? Will it make you uncomfortable? Did I sound weird?

But then again, I told myself that it's okay because I just answered them the truth. I just told them what I really feel about you.

And yes Chaeyoung, you were really my style.

During that one fan-sign event...

There were tons of post-it posted on the board containing different questions from ONCE. We were asked to pick two of them. As all of the members were so engrossed on picking their questions, I was silently looking for it too from behind. As I kept roaming my eyes around, one question caught my attention. And I knew right then and there, I have to get it no matter what.

As we were already sitting and starting to answer the questions we picked one by one, nervousness started to creep in. I don't know how will I answer that question when I was just so sure to pick it minutes ago.

I was already asking myself, "Am I really gonna do this? In front of the members and our fans?", but then again I pulled all my courage and decided to do it.

Question: If all the members are man, who will you date?

I fully understand the question and even explained it to the members since they were quite confused. I knew I was starting to blush and maybe I was already too obvious so I decided to just held Nayeon unnie's arm for support.

"Ahh.. About this.. You may already know that I posted a video of Mina unnie on Instagram"

As soon as I mentioned your name, our fans started to cheer so loud. It added to the embarrassment that I'm feeling but I had to continue what I started.

For me, it was now or never.

"Honestly speaking, is she not very handsome?" I was so happy when our fans cheered like they were agreeing with me.

"Seriously.. Mina unnie takes only few selcas but they always turn out well"

At that moment, even if I know I'm dying inside, I still have to look at you. I want to see your face, that smile, and that priceless reaction. You were so cute and pretty when you're being shy from getting a compliment. So, I kept on going.

"Honestly, if I were a man I'd date all of them.. I like all of them"

Yes, I understood the question but still, I changed it to my own perspective.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2021 ⏰

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