2: Age 18

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It's a day after mine and Ginnys birthday and me and Harry are trying to find a name for our baby

First name. Second name. Last name
James.                    Sirius.                        Potter

"I like that name for a boy." I said

First name.           Second name.          Last name
Luna. Lily. Potter

"And that name for a girl! I think we should pick one more name for boy and girl maybe for the future?" Harry says. I reply with "that's a great idea!"

First name. Second name. Last name
Remus. Arthur. Potter

First name. Second name. Last name
Minerva.                   Molly.                      Potter

- Time skip to gender reveal -

" WEASLEY'S COME DOWN HERE YES YOU TO HARRY! GENDER REVEAL CAKE IS HERE!" I have a knife in my hand getting ready to cut the cake! I'm so exited "EVERYONE YOU HAVE TEN SECONDS TO GET YOUR ARSES HERE RIGHT NOW!" Harry comes and hugs me from behind and says " calm down love" and kisses my cheek.

Everyone else arrives and sits at the table and I cut the cake into 12 slices and the slices are still really big "ITS A BOY! mum can I keep these for Charlie and bill tomorrow And I need to go to the ministry at 6:00- holy shit it 5:55 (in the evening btw) mother when I get back I'm going to have to talk with you and father!" I grab Harry's hand and apperate away to the ministry

"Hi minister kingley shacklebolt (j can't  fricking spell) I am here to ask you a favour, I have made a spell that can transfer houses from one place to another without levitation so I was just wandering if I can move the new potter manor to next to the burrow!" "yes of course you can!" we leave and harry says "you are amazing love, you know that right plus where is the house-" I cut him of by pecking him on the lips and I say "darling I've got it all sorted don't worry"

We apperate back to the burrow and Harry says "may we have your permission to move the new potter manor next door?" Okay this is the moment of truth "YES of corse!" Mum said!

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