Meet Sera

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"Quickly" a girl said on her phone, she had wavy Autumn brown hair which was free and she wore black jeans and a big hoodie,

"I am doing it Sera, wait a minute" the person on the other side of the phone said, Sera impatiently tapped her foot and groaned, almost slamming her head on the wall

"Done!" The other person said and Sera finally relaxed

"It's done Sera, now you can leave" she told her. The girl named Sera grinned flashing her pearly white teeth to no one in particular and took her big suitcase, a handbag, a backpack and a side bag. It seemed that she is going on a trip.

"Abi, it's done, I am out now and uhh I'll see you soon" Sera said stuttering, not knowing what to say further; she spoke "I'll miss you, but I have to go, they don't want me nor I want them. I sure will catch up with you. Bye!!" she said all together in a breath

"Wait-" before her friend could argue she disconnected the call and went outside, with all that luggage by her side she received many judgemental stares from the people passing by,

"Uhh excuse me dear, are you lost?" A young maiden asked her, Sera fidgetted with her fingers behind her bag which was difficult as she had a huge backpack plus a side bag with her, she shook her head and smiled

"No.. I'm actually going for an excavation mam. Have a good day, bye!!" She said and walked away from that lady before she could say anything. Sera finally stopped at a park, thinking it would be best if she waits and decides what to do next.

She sat on an empty bench and glanced around, children of her age were playing, laughing, giggling and here she was sitting on a bench all alone. She sighed and removed a book to distract her but alas she forgot to pack a book. She chuckled to herself thinking about how she packed some useless things instead of important ones.

She managed to grab a journal from her handbag. Her mouth twisted down as she stared at it. Deciding not to waste any of her phone battery, scrolling she opened the journal

The first page read

Hii, my name is Serafina, I currently am 10 years old. I have a younger brother who loves me a lot, but the rest of my family doesn't. I wrote this diary so that I can express my feelings as I cannot share this with anyone except my friend Abigail, she is my light, so now no one should read this Diary. Or else! :/

She cringed and the poorly drawn drawing and turned the page. It was definitely not entertaining for her to read but she had to do something for the time being. Her phone was completely charged and her fingers were itching to touch it, she even had a laptop but was hesitant to remove it. In the end, she is a child who was homeless right now and any adult could easily try to kidnap her, not that she would let anything happen but still prevention is better than cure they say.

My family,

My family consists of a mother, a father, a big sister, a grandmother and a small brother. Now from them the one who loves me is my little brother. My parents gave me the basic needs of a child plus a bit of luxury. Alright I take it back, a whole lot of luxury! They believe if they give me money I won't ask for love but they are so wrong. My grandmother hates me because I am a girl (I will write this on the next page of my diary) then comes my dad, he is a momma's boy and obeys her each and every command, then comes my mother, she is my worst nightmare. My mom and dad always fight and I have to listen to them, sometimes my mom even beats me up in frustration, and trust me it hurts, not the beating but the fact that she doesn't care hurts. Next comes my dear big sister, now listen, I understand she is a introvert but she doesn't care about me at all! In my entire 10 years of life I entered her room twice and that's it. She rarely talks to me, and always rolls her eyes at me as if I'm not a human but a pathetic creature. I hate it, alot, whenever I go to talk to her she shuts me out. Once when I was four she made a family tree for her school activity and didn't even bother to add my name. Lastly comes my little brother who is my only family, he is three younger than me and loves me a lot. He tries to speak up for me but I hold him back, I don't like if anyone shouts at him, he is loved by all so I don't want him hearing any taunts for being with me. He is my only family. I can do anything for my brother, even if it means isolating myself

She frowned and flipped the page then she took out a packet of chips from her bag and started eating them while reading cause why not? What's the worse that can happen? She run out of food but hey she can manage it.


She hated me because I am a girl, well she wasn't like that before. She had 3 children the keyword here is 'had'. First is my eldest Aunt, well even she hates me(at this point I don't care), then is my second elder aunt, well she is no more, mainly it's because of her death that everyone hates then comes the youngest child my father. So according to my family the second daughter is unluckey and I am the second daughter. My grandma doesn't actually hate me, she pretends to be strict so that I won't act like my second Aunt cause she was a boom. She was cheerful and always excited even for small events which is the reason she died. Car crash. But my grandmother is wrong, cause this behaviour is definitely ruining my childhood, making me mentally unstable.

Sera threw that packet of chips in the dustbin after licking her fingers and flipped the page


So my Dad is like every other person in my family. He hates me. He only loves my sister, and unfortunately, him being a momma's boy makes it worse. He never beat me, true but he didn't take care of me too. He fed me once, I repeat 'only once' when I was badly beaten by none other that my own mother. He always says I should do something to earn money and leave this house, and stay away from my brother which I am not going to do. So yeah, that's it. You tell a ten year old this and except them to be happy

Sera took a glance at the children who stood in front of her giggling as they waved at her, she smiled and waved back. Then she flipped the page.


She is my worse nightmare. She wasn't like this before. When I was three years old she would first aid me if I got hurt. She never really cared, but yet she used to feed me. When I started growing up mom and Dad started arguing more often, so she started beating me up to remove her frustration and I couldn't help but stay still. She also threatens me to stay away from my brother, which I am not going to do.

Sera got up and offered an elderly lady to sit on the bench. She went to sit on one of the empty slide which was uncomfortable due to her luggage but nevertheles sat down and flipped the page.


She never really considers me as a living being, I am dead for her. Most of the times she stays in her room, and everyone except me is allowed to enter. I hardly went twice in her room. She loves my brother a lot, well who doesn't but she loves him more than everyone. She is 25 year old and works in a company. She never beat me or anything, she doesn't consider me living, so she never speaks to me. It hurts emotionally but I can't do anything. She acts like I don't exist.

Then she flipped the page and smiled.


He is my only family. He loves me a lot. Even though he is young he fights for me, but I don't want them to hate him, so I tell him to keep quiet. He takes care of me and plays with me. I always let him use my things and try to give him the best I can. He is a perfect young brother, though he is annoying sometimes.

Then she got up and saw everything was muddy and puddles were formed. She looked confused for a second but then she saw some children playing with water guns, then she understood that these puddles are created by them. She chuckled and closed the book, on the cover of the book there was a photo of Kung Fu Panda, her favourite cartoon. She kept that book in her bag and started walking.

When she was about to exit the park, her leg slipped and she fell into a huge puddle and disappeared somewhere.

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