I'm back!!! (plus a TON of truths)

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>>>I'm back!!! (Well I was never really gone but... whatever!) Enjoy!!!<<<

E: Hello everyone!!! I'm done working and ready to play! I also made some truths while I was gone!

Everyone: Oh, great 😒

E: I know you missed me 😊

Everyone: No... 😒

E: I missed you guys too 😊

>>>Tiny timeskip<<<

E: Ok, I got my list ready

E- How long does it take to write a chapter in "One Day, One Region"?

E: It all depends, but it takes about 2 hours

Everyone: O-O

Lia- Is E really that annoying?

Lia: Yes, yes she is

E: >:o

Lou- Do you like Ash? (>:3)

Lou: O////O U-um... I d-don't know

E: *smirks*

Bonnie- How slow is your brother?

Bonnie: He's SUPER slow

Clemont: I'M NOT!

Bonnie: You are

Misty- Who's more annoying? Ash, Brock, or Gary?

Misty: They're all annoying. Ash is as dense as heck, Brock falls in love with almost every girl, and Gary is a pervert. Not to mention both Ash and Gary are idiots

Ash & Gary: HEY!!!

Ash- Why are you so dense?

Ash: What does that mean?

Misty: *facepalm*

Brock- When are you getting a girlfriend?

Brock: I don't know 😭

Misty: Never

Gary- Why do you call Ash "Ashy-Boy"?

Gary: Because it annoys him

Misty: Fair enough

May- Is your brother annoying?

May: Yes

Max: You're also annoying

May: I know

Drew- Why do you never call May by her real name?

Drew: Because it annoys her *smirks*

May: *growls*

Dawn- Do you hate it when Kenny calls you Dee-Dee?

Dawn: YES

Paul- Why are you so cold?

Paul: Why are you so annoying?

E: >:O

Iris- Is Cilan weird?

Iris: Quite 

Cilan- Why?

Cilan: ???

Clemont- Stop exploding things!

Clemont: That's not a question

Korrina- Why do you like roller-skating?

Korrina: *shrugs* It's my hobby

Red- Are you related to Ash?

Red: I guess?

E: *shrugs*

Yellow- Why are you SO damn cute?! (A/N She's SO cute! >////<)

Yellow: O////O I-I don't know

Green- Are Red and Blue scared of you?

Green: *blackmailing smile*

Red & Blue: *shudder*

Blue- Is Green scary?

Blue: Sorta

Green: *blackmailing smile*

Blue: *gulps*

Gold- Can you stop being a perv for 5 minutes?

Crystal: No he can't

Crystal- Is Gold annoying?

Crystal: VERY

Lyra- Is Silver a tsundere?

Lyra: He is

Green: Definitely

Silver- Is Green your sister?

Silver: Kinda

E: Well that is all!!! Bye!!!

>>>I hope you enjoyed, bye!!!<<<

- E out

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