I'm Back!

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E: Hello I'm back! Did anyone miss me?

Everyone but Bonnie: No...

E: *hair starts to float above head and has fire in eyes* WHAT??!!!!??!!!!???!!!????

Bonnie: Well I missed you E!

E: *hugs Bonnie* Thank you!

Drew: What are we doing today?

E: You would like to know Grasshead *high fives May*

Drew: Haha very funny, but really what are we doing?

E: Dares, duh, but first let's eat!

May: Yay!

E: But you have to eat anything I make, tell, or force you to eat. Ok?

Brock: Why can't we just eat like normal people?

E: Cause that would be too logical

Misty: Yeah because you're anything but logical 

E: Watch that mouth of yours, missy!

E: Anyway... Misty your up first

Misty: What do I have to eat?

E: Brussel sprouts!

Misty: Not too bad...

E: Ha- but they are burnt ones, and they are also covered in ketchup!

Misty: WHAT????!!!!

E: *rolls on the floor laughing* 

Everyone: EAT IT! EAT IT! 

Misty: Fine... *picks up brussel sprout then puts in back down* I can't!

E: Oh so you want this the hard way? *uses author powers to force-feed Misty*

Misty: Ewwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!

E: *rolls on the floor laughing*

Misty: *mutters* You're a monster

E: *evil laugh* Oh-no honey I'm a demon. Next up is Ash

Ash: What is it?

E: I'm going to need Pikachu for this one. (BTW I forgot to tell you but I let Pickachu out of the closet) You're going to have green beans covered in ketchup! BTW Pikachu will put the ketchup on the green beans.

Pikachu: Pika! (Thank you E!)

E: You're welcome Pikachu (I can understand Pokemon)

E: Here you go Pikachu *slides a bottle of ketchup and a plate of green beans to Pikachu*

Pikachu: *pours the entire bottle of ketchup on green beans* 

Ash: *Eats a little bit of a green bean* It's ok I guess.

E: Ok. Next up is Brock!

Brock: I'm ready!

E: Ok you will have to eat an entire plate of my everything casserole!

Dawn: What is everything casserole?

E: A casserole with everything in it!

Ash: *pats Brock's back* Good luck

E: I will need some helpers

Bonnie: Can I help?

E: Sure Bonnie! I will also use one of my pokemon as well *throws out Pokeball* Come on out Mew! (BTW I have a Mew)

Everyone: WHAT!!!??? 

E: Yeah I have a Mew

E, Bonnie, and Mew: *walk back to the kitchen*

Here are the ingredients: 

- Flour

- Sugar

- Milk

- Eggs

- Melon juice 

- Chicken

- Cream of Mushroom Soup 

- Breadcrumbs

- Spam

- Mustard

- Ketchup

- Pumpkin puree

- Cherry JELLO

- Starburst

- Crushed up Chezz-it's

- Chocolate sauce

- Soy sauce

- Carrots

- Grape jelly

- Honey

and last but not least, Hot sauce!

Bonnie: Ha, this is going to be good

Mew: Mew! (Yes!)

E: *evil smile* Let's start!

- 30 minutes later -

E: All done!

Brock: No!!!!!!!!!!!

E: *sets a plate full of the casserole in front of Brock* Enjoy!

Brock: *takes a spoon full and puts it in mouth* 

E: So...

Brock: *gags* Ewwwwwww!!!!!! What is this????!! It tastes like mud mixed with rotten eggs covered in barf! 

E: Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

E: Ok next up is May!

May: What do I have to eat?

E: Since you're one of my favorites you get some plain vanilla ice cream with sprinkles

May: Yay!

E: *hands May an ice cream cone*

May: *eats ice cream but spits it out* Ewwwww what is this?

E: Ha it's cold mashed potatoes

May: Ew

- Time skip -

Drew: This was the worst meal ever

Everyone: Agreed!

E: Bye everyone!

>>> I hope you all liked this chapter. Have a great day!!! Bye!!!!! (BTW more is on the way!)<<<

- E out  

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