S I C K (2)

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You grumbled softly rolling over in bed, pulling the blanket up as close as possible. You had shivers going all through your body "I feel like shit, this is what Hidan must've felt like." You grumbled rolling over once more, the man was due back from a mission any day now. You and Hidan had agreed that when he comes back, you would both go out together for a nice meal. However you had been feeling bad for a few days and now it seemed to be kicking in full force.

Shuffling to sit up in bed, you felt your head and it was what you feared, you were burning up. "Oh perfect, the most perfect time to get sick" you sighed pulling yourself out of bed going into your bathroom. You grabbed a small towel from your cupboard and wet it in cold water, you rinsed the worst of it off as to not drench your bed and blanket. As you were walking back to bed you heard a knock on the door, you grunted walking over to the door wanting nothing more than to cuddle up in blankets that smelled like your boyfriend.

"Is everything okay ?" you asked opening the door meeting with the eyes of Itachi, your face was a flushed red color whilst your body had developed a pale look to it Itachi seemed to take notice of it. "Yes I was just sent to inform you that Hidan will be returning in a few hours, you don't look well" he spoke in a soft tone of voice Itachi never rose his voice it always seemed to remain in a calm state. "I feel like pure crap, Hidan is going to be back soon and will want to go out together I can't in this state, I can barely stand." You spoke and it was true you had unconsciously started to lean against the door frame.

Itachi shifted his gaze to your room, you hadn't even cleaned up properly, you heard a small chuckle coming from the Uchiha making you raise a brow in confusion. "I'm not laughing at you (Y/N), please may I come in ?" he asked, you hummed softly knowing it wasn't in Itachi's nature to be mean or harsh. You nodded opening your door a bit more as the both of you walked in. "Sorry about the mess, I've been on missions and when I'm not, I stay in bed to try to feel better" you explained to the Uchiha who nodded.

"If you can please stay standing" Itachi spoke softly, rolling up his sleeves, you gazed at the man wondering what he was going to attempt. He walked into the bathroom turning on your shower, "is he going to clean himself ?" you spoke out loud. Itachi walked back into the room gazing at you "get cleaned and warm It's one of the best things you could do whilst being ill" he spoke giving a small smile, you noticed his smile poking out from his collar. "What are you going to do whilst I'm in there ?" you asked him softly walking to the bathroom.

Itachi kept his smile watching you, "I'll be busy don't worry just go get cleaned up" he spoke softly. You nodded closing the door and undressing, you looked at yourself in the mirror knowing you looked like crap, you were hoping to get some color back before Hidan returned from his mission, you stepped into the shower feeling the warm water on your head. You couldn't help but just stay still for a couple of minutes letting the water pour over your body knowing it felt great.

You heard some shuffling coming from your room wondering what Itachi could be getting up to or if it was even him, you knew the guy had a lot on his plate so it would make sense if he had other business to take care of. You grabbed your favorite shampoo and started to wash your hair humming a tune from one of your favorite songs, you heard your bedroom door opening and closing a little and you couldn't help but feel curious as to what was going on.

Just before you were about to rinse your hair you heard a knock at your bathroom door startling you a bit. "(Y/N) may I come in ? I promise I won't look, I just want your washing" Itachi spoke going quiet waiting for a moment, waiting for your answer. You hummed softly he sounded sincere and you knew the man had no interest in women, well from what you could tell, he barely paid attention to romantic partnerships. "Alright" you spoke softly making sure the curtain was pulled across completely.

Hidan one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now