S H O R T S T O R Y 2 (7)

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After your more than interesting morning with Hidan you had both decided to finally get up and ready, you had done your usual morning routine and was now drying your hair after coming out the shower and getting dressed.

You hadn't told Hidan that you had heard him but you couldn't help but think what he was planning. Hidan was sat on the floor praying quietly you gazed at the door as you heard footsteps approaching and quickly, the door swung open revealing Konan giving you both a small smile.

You put down your towel and walked over giving the women a small hug who returned the gesture. "Hey" Hidan spoke getting up from his praying giving the women a small nod who separated from you nodding in return to your partner. "I just wanted to inform you that Kakuzu is waiting patiently for the both of you" she spoke in her usual angelic voice.

Hidan nodded softly at her words as he slipped his cloak on you waved goodbye to Konan as she left the room. "Do you know the mission we are doing today ?" you asked the man softly as you put your own cloak on wondering if he would finally reveal what was going on. Hidan shook his head as he looked around the room giving a soft sigh "don't ask questions but use this" he spoke handing you an empty scroll.

Your face showed a look of confusion as you looked back up at Hidan. "Everything you own has to go on that scroll, don't leave anything behind" you stared at the scroll as Hidan walked over to the door you pouted. "Great moving hideouts once more" you spoke starting to do as the man said. Hidan frowned softly as he stared at the door before shaking his head knowing that he was doing the right thing. 

Your partner left the room silently going to his own room to perform the same act. "Maybe that's why he's been acting strange, moving hideouts does usually annoy him" you spoke out loud to yourself as you finished hiding all your valuables on the scroll, you didn't have much since you knew moving around to different hideouts would get annoying so you just tried to keep as little stuff as possible.

You checked the scroll once more before looking around the empty and bare room giving a small frown at all the happy memories you had in the room but you knew moving was inevitable. You walked out into the main room where a few members were gathered keeping to themselves mostly.

Hidan gave you a small smile as he was stood with Kakuzu and for once the masked man didn't look like he wanted to bash him into the ground. You made your way over to the both of them keeping a smile on your face "ready to go ?" Hidan asked as he put an arm around you, you nodded tucking the scroll into the pocket of your cloak.

You waved goodbye to everyone giving a small smile as you were met with a few waves back and nods, "so Kakuzu do you know our mission ?" you asked the tanned man as the three of you walked out of the hideout. Hidan took your hand as Kakuzu walked ahead "collecting a few small bounties, shouldn't take more than a day or two" he spoke before the three of you head the hideout doors open.

You turned your head noticing it was pain you immediately let go of Hidan's hand knowing the man didn't approve. Pain approached your group staying as silent as ever with a cold and murderous glare the sight was enough to make the hair on the back of your neck stand.

"You know I don't condone what you both do, I heard you this morning, disgusting humans" he almost spat his words your eyes widened as Hidan's fists clenched he didn't give a shit if the man badmouthed him but to talk about you like that made his blood boil.

"If the both of you fail this mission" he started raising his hand as Hidan's eyes widened "Kakuzu !" he yelled loudly as you felt the mans threads wrap around your body and pull you back to a safe distance. Pain brought his hand down crushing Hidans body to the ground as the man struggled to get up and move his limbs.

Hidan one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now