S H Y (R E Q U E S T)

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You hummed quietly to yourself sitting down in a far corner away from others in the restaurant, you messed around with the sleeve of your Akatsuki cloak. You had just recently transfered into a team with hidan and kakuzu you had usually been pains errand girl doing odd jobs for him, the fact that you were quiet and usually went unnoticed provided you to be perfect to the job. 

However since pain had more private business to tend to these days he usually kept to just Zetsu and Konan you didn't mind, you had always kept to yourself you were currently waiting for the duo who had been caught up in some ANBU business. Kakuzu told you to just go ahead to avoid revealing another Akatsuki member identity, you would be worried about them however you knew nothing could kill them.

Just as you were about to stretch out your arms due to being still for a small period of time a silver haired man sat in front of you sighing heavily. "Fuck that was a pain in the ass you should've been there (Y/N) there was tons of ninjas you could've seen me in action" Hidan spoke giving a devious smirk, you sunk back in your robe hiding your face nodding as you hummed in agreement, you were usually quiet around the pair not wanting to interfere much Kakuzu had said countless times that he preferred you over the loudmouth which made you chuckle.

"She wouldn't have missed much all you did was stand in that stupid circle whilst I did the work by the time you took out two of them I've taken ten" the old man sighed sitting next to you, you chuckled at his comment earning an eyebrow raise from Hidan. He pouted grabbing a menu mumbling curses at the man "were you alright here ?" Kakuzu asked you keeping his gaze down counting his money quietly you nodded clearing your throat.

"Nobody came in, just some drunks at the bar" you responded to him moving up a bit your head popped out from robe. Hidan gazed up at you for a few seconds chuckling "well princess glad you could join us" he laughed making you mess with your sleeve once more "how come we always sit in the dark corner ?." The Jashinist asked gazing around at some free tables Kakuzu pinched the bridge of his nose. 

"Do the words hidden, undercover or quiet mean anything to you ? we are suppose to be keeping a low profile and (Y/N) is doing just that, unlike your loud mouth shenanigans about a god who may not exist." The old man spoke making Hidan grit his teeth in anger, his fists clenched "the fuck did you say about Jashin !" you gazed up at Hidan the man placed his hands down on the table as he stood up. Kakuzu glared at the man "don't try anything stupid" he spoke you took a breath noticing people were starting to stare you slowly moved your hand to his arm tugging the jashinists cloak.

"People are watching" you spoke softly Hidan glared at you making you flinch. His eyes widened at your action "s..sorry" he spoke calming himself sitting down. Kakuzu left some money on the table standing up "you going to be alright with this loud mouth or do you want to come to the office with me ?" Kakuzu spoke quietly keeping his head down.

You glanced at the man before your eyes lingered on Hidan the man was resting his head in his arms reading a menu, you gave a soft smile "I'll keep him company and keep quiet I know you dont like attention being drawn." you spoke in a soft tone Kakuzu nodded walking away from the table "try to save some money dont go wild" he mumbled.

You sighed softly shuffling to a comfortable position before your cheeks were colored a slight shade of red. Hidan had raised his head and was gazing right at you, you fumbled around with your sleeve before taking a menu hoping the Jashinist would avert his gaze but he never did. "You chose me over him ?" he asked raising a brow to which you replied with a slight nod I usually get nervous at the bounty office and it's just a nicer atmosphere in a restaurant I suppose" you spoke giving him a soft smile he chuckled leaning back in his seat gazing at you.

Hidan one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now