What are the odds?

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we finally get to my house and walk through the door, I'm so happy I didn't bring everyone to the airport because right as we walked through the door that exact thing I was expecting happened.

"omg hiii"

"you guys are so pretty"

"it's nice to meet you"

and so on, they got a lot of hugs even their brothers hugged them. After some introductions to get to know them like their age and things about them we just chilled around the house because we had nothing planned because we are leaving in the morning for our Airbnb.

Minx and Niki were in the room net to us gaming and Me, Drista, Elle, and Lani are in my room just scrolling through Twitter and TikTok talking and chilling when randomly Elle says

"hey y/n what are the odds you get a tattoo right now?" (if you don't know this game basically some says what are the odds then asks you a question and you have to say a number between 1-10 and if you pick the same number you have to do it)

"ok 3..2..1.."

"5," we say in sync, Lani and Drista gasp and start laughing

"oh shit," I say starting to laugh

"well ok, let's go," I say standing up grabbing my phone

"wait actually?" lani says

"yup now come on your allowed in as long as your 13+ and with an adult," I say pulling lani and drista up off my bed. we all out and go to the room beside us and walk in to see Niki and minx playing Minecraft

"hey I'm going to get a tattoo you coming" I ask, they completely stop playing and turn to look at me as if I had just killed someone, they turn back to look at each other and just laugh

"ya lets go" is all minx says before they both get up and walk out of the room with us, 

we walk downstairs to see half the boys in the living room and other half in the kitchen making maybe, pasta?

"hey boys we are leaving be bad in like 2 hours" i say putting on my shoes

"Can we come?" Karl asks

I look at the girls for a second before repling

"no not for this," I say kind of sad they cant come but I don't want them knowing till it's already done.

time skip to when we arrivewe walk in and see a man sitting at the counter

"hello ladies what can I do for you?" he asks us before turning to lani and drista

"ooo, uh how old are you guys?" he asks

"shes 13 and she 14 but us 4 are over 18 so they can be here right, they aren't doing anything just here for support" I respond for them

"oh ya for sure, whats up?" he says

"ya i need a tattoo appointment for like now if possible" i say, he starts typing on his computer a bunch before saying

"uh yup Myra is open for the next like 3 hours so she can take you now," he says

"oh ya sweet that's perfect," I tell him and he leads us to the back to see this girl sitting in a chair

"hey Myra can you take this girl right now?" he asks Myra, she looks up from her phone and nods, and pats the seat for me to sit down in

"hey girls how we doing today?" she asks us while sanitizing her station and tools

"were good how are you?" I respond

"I'm good so what are we wanting today?" she asks me I pull out my phone and show her the photo of what I want, she smirks and nods as she starts up her tattoo gun and starts putting the needle in my arm.

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