Sad goodbyes and house hunting

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Several days later Jimmy and everyone else's went house hunting for the new house after we had found an Airbnb for the time being, it was a very nice and buh house and looked something along the lines of:

Several days later Jimmy and everyone else's went house hunting for the new house after we had found an Airbnb for the time being, it was a very nice and buh house and looked something along the lines of:

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Seemed a bit over the top for them only staying for another 3 days but I'm not complaining.

The past few days have been very crazy lots of streaming lots of blogging lots of activities and now the meetup is coming to an end as everyone is leaving tomorrow.

We are all currently in the living room living on the moment playing games and eating food trying to make these last few hours together the best they can be.

"How about some karaoke yea?" Tommy suggests, everyone groans in a playful way

"Tommy if I'm being honest I don't think I will be able to make it through one more of your songs" Niki says making everyone chuckle.

"How about we all sing and just dance around?" Tubbo adds

I don't even wait for a responsebefore starting the music, everyone gets up immediately and starts dancing

We dance and sing for hours before our bodies almost collapse out of exhaustion.

"I hate to say it but I feel like we should go to bed" Dream says, checking the time noticing it's already 4 in the morning and most of their flights are at 9 and 10

"SLUMBER PARTY IT IS EVERYONE GRAB A MATRESS AND BRING IT TO THE MOVIE ROOM" Tommy yells running with tubbo to get matress from his roomeveryone else following.

We set up all the mattresses and eventually drift off to sleep.

We were all awaken again by the alarm to tell us it's 7 and we need to get moving so r can be at the airport by 8:30 for the flights at 9, everyone helps pack the British peoples bags who's flights are at 9, then the Americans for 10.

We all pile into the car at about 8:10 and start driving for the airport, we get there, they do bag check ins and security and then we play the waiting game.

We talk and talk for about and hour before the UK flight was about to board

"Welp I guess this is it" I say with tear prickling at the corners of my eyes, but once I turned to Niki they flowed out seeing's single year run down her face, I let out a small laugh and bring her into a hug and whisper to her

"I'm going to miss you a lot, talk to me as soon as you land" I can feel her smile and nod as I move on to tommy and tubbo

"Well don't get into to much trouble I'll see you again soon enough" as I pull them into a hug

"Ahh george I'll miss you too...and make sure you tell dream" I whisper that last part so no one else hears as he turns a bright shade of pink

"Wil ahh yes my big brother wil I'll miss you so much" I pull him into a hug as he whispers in my hair

"I'll miss you too little sis, don't forget to call me" which just makes my tears worse, and finally Lani

I let out a cry when I see Lani as she is already bawling as well

"Lani noo my little baby sister I never had my god I'll miss you a lot" I pull her into a hug and finish my sentyby saying

"If you ever want to come down just tell me I'll fly you down myself" which makes her laugh, their flight is called again so they say goodbye to everyone else and leave

Karl walks up to be and pulls me into a hug and rubs my back.

"They'll be back soon love it's okay"
——-time jump to everyone else's flight——

"Alright I guess this is goodbye sapnap and dream" they pull me into a group hug with the three then let's me go, leaving Elle and sapnap to say there long goodbye I move on to minx saying the same thing I said to Niki making her cry a little aswell and again finally drista

"Drista my other little sister, I'll miss you so so so much don't forget to call me if you need anything and I mean anything" she nods and muffles a cry when their flight is called and they leave, leaving us with just quackity me elle and Karl.

"Flight 43 is boarding now"

"Well that's me I guess" Quackity says, I let out a few years before bringing him in and saying goodbye and let him leave leaving me in tears in the middle of the airport for Karl to bring me out to the car.

Once we get back to the Airbnb I had finally calmed down and decided to go look online for some houses while Karl edited and Elle left for her room.

"I like that one" Karl randomly says

"Uh sir arnt you editing?" I reply

"Yes but I also want to help you find a house" he says

"Ok but that's way out of my price range" I said with a long sigh

"so stay with me until you find something you like" he says completely putting down his computer

"Wait really?" I ask

"Yes really"

"Wait but what about Elle" I reply looking over at her door

"I bet she is already buying a one way ticket to Florida right now" he laughs, i smile and reply

"Ok, then yes I would love to live with you UNTIL I can find a house" I say, he pulls me into a hind and ribs circles into my palm

"So when we getting that dog" I say

"WAIT YOU WOULD ACTUALLY LET ME GET HIM" he reply's like a 7 year old boy on a Christmas

"I mean Karl you are an adult I don't really have a say anyway" he giggles and kisses my head

" we can right now..." he says


A/n sorry for the long wait!!! Book is ending soon though :((

Word count: 1039

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