Chapter 4

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The next morning I headed directly outside. I was waiting for Harry, Ron and Hermione to go to Hogsmade. Everything was coverd with cold snow and smoke would came out of your mouth if you breathe out.
I looked around and I saw Malfoy and his two friends bothering a first-year. Anger invaded my body and I went up to them.
"Malfoy!" I shouted as I got closer to the three boys from Slytherin.
"Came to see the show?" He asked smirking. Crabbe and Goyle laughed at his comment.
"Leave him alone" I said looking at the kid and then back to them.
"And why do you care?" He said also looking at the little boy. "He's a Mugblood. He shudn't have the right to be here" He said with hate in his voice. Without thinking, I took out my wand and pointed at him. He suddenly became more tense, but he was trying to hide it.
"What are you gonna do? You don't have the guts to do it" He said without taking his eyes out of me.
"You have no idea" I said walking closer to him, placing my wand in his chest.
"Emery, what are you doing?" I heard my brother's voice behind me, but I ignored it.
"Emery, we should go" Hermione said placing her hand in my shoulder. I donn't know why, I just couldn't put my wand dowm. This whole situation just made me so mad.
"Emery, let's go" Harry said with a more angry tone. I hesitated, but I finally put the wand down. I walked over to the kid and got on my knees so my face could aline with his.
"Don't worry, none of what he said is true. You do deserve to be here" I said with a warm smile. He smiled back at me.
"Thank you" He said before walking away. I got in my feet again and looked at Malfoy with hate in my eyes. He looked at me again and his eyes were again like in the common room. Softer and warmer.
"Emery" Hermione said one more time.
"Let's go" I said.
As I walked away, I could hear his annoying laugh. I could feel his eyes staring at me and I wish I could see them one more time. I just couldn't understand why he acts like that. He's so different when he's alone. When he's with me. He is trying to hide something. And I want to know what it is.
We got to Hogsmade shortly after. We were walking in the snow. The path was empty and none of us were talking.
"What happened with Malfoy, Emery?" Ron asked breaking the silence.
"He was bothering a first-year with Crabbe and Goyle" I said rolling my eyes.
"Next time don't get involved Em" Harry said in a conforting way.
"They called him a Mugblood" I said angrily. "I wasn't going to sot there and let it happen" I said raising my tone.
"Just, try to stay out of truble" Hermione said.
"Fine" I said.
"Hey, this thing of the dates for the ball is hard" Ron suddenly said changing the subject.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Asking a girl out is hard" Ron said answred me.
"It is not true" Hermione said smiling.
"It is! They are always in groups! Why do they travel in groups?" Harry asked whispering as we walked past a group of girls.
"What is that an influence on you asking a girl out?" I asked confused.
"How am I supposed to ask her if she's with all of her friends?" Harry said frustrated.
"C'mon Harry. You lived worst things like this" Hermione said giggle.
"I understand him. It is imposible with you girls!" Ron said making Hermione and I laugh.
"Why are you laughing? It's not funny" They both said.
"It really is" I said still laughing. "C'mon! Ask thise girls out" I said pushing them a little.
"Not with you two looking" Ron said turning around.
"Fine, we'll leave you to it. We will walk around for a bit" Hermione said grabing my hand. We walked away, leaving the two boys behind.
"Okey, now that we are far away. What's going on with you and Malfoy" Hermione said out of the blue.
"What do you mean?" I asked surprised.
"Come on! You told me what happened at the common room. And how he looked ag you today, it was different" She said exited.
"I don't know what you are talking about" I said ignoring the feeling that she might be right.
"Just tell me!" Hermione insisted.
"I hate him! He with his cocky smile, and his annoying voice and his everything! I don't know what it is-" I said with anger in my voice before Hermione cut me off.
"You like him!" She said with a smile on her face.
"I do not!" I said denying it to her and to mysef.
"Holy cricket! You do!" She said surprised.
"I hate him" I said noding no with my head.
"I mean, I've suspected it since you told me about the common room, but now is for sure" She said smiling.
"I hate you. And him" I said. I started walking away as she laughed until I bumped into someone.

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