Chapter 6

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Things have been different since that moment I had with Draco in the Common Room. We were feie ds. No one knew about it, not even Hermione. We avoided eachother during the day, but at night we would be up and talked. I was really getting to know this boy who a month ago hated me.
I was sitting besides the dark lake. I was eating an apple I stole from the Kitchen. The green leaves from the tall trees were damcing with the wind. It was a gray day full of clouds. Everything around me was silent exept from the sounds of the water moving.
Suddenly, the blonde boy that have been driving me crazy this last few days appeard. He was walking towards me with his hands in his pockets. He was driving me insane without even trying.
"I didn't know you came here" I said trying to sound relaxed.
"I don't" He said still walking.
"How did you find me?" I asked as he say down besides me.
"I have my sources" He answred with a smile on his face. "Why are you here anyway? It's cold" He said looking around.
"It's quiet" I simply answred before biting my apple.
"I like it" He said looking at me again.
"You are different. Why?" I asked out of the blue.
"What do you mean?" He asked surprised.
"When we are around people you act different" I said playing with the grass below us. "Why?" I asked.
"It's just easier" He said looking at the big lake.
"People would like you a lot more and mabey my friends wouldn't hate you" I explained.
"Your friends don't like me anyway. Why bother" He said.
"And why do you act nice around me? You hate me too" I said calmly. I was surprised that he was talking about this with me, but I wasn't gonna tell him that.
"I didn't hate you. I don't" He said looking back at me.
"Yes you did" I insisted.
"I mean, you bothered me sometimes, but I never hated you. In fact, I didn't hate any of you" He said to my surprise.
"Really?" I asked.
"Yes. We started with the wrong foot in first year and since then it was like an obligation, a rule. You hated me and I hated you" He explained.
"Do you think things would have been different if we said this things before?" I asked him, wondering.
"Like, we being friends?" He answred me.
"Yeah" I simply said.
"I don't know" He said frankly. We stayed in silence. But it wasn't a awkward silence. It was confortable and peaceful.
Suddenly, a few drops started to wet the top of my head.
"Shit" I said looking up.
"What?" Draco asked also looking up.
"It's starting to rain" I said tuching my head.
"Really? I don't-" He started saying, but got interrupted by the sudden water pouring all over us. We both got up quickly and he started to cover himself with his robe. I looked at him and started laughing.
"Hey, It's not funny" He said smiling. I tried to contain myself, but I bursted into laughter again. He started laughing too and I realized it was the firt time I head a genuine laugh come out of him. It was beautiful. His laughter was so pure and free. It was kind of childish, in a funny way. It filled my body with joy and made my ears tickle.
"We have to go" I yelled above the loud wind.
"Come on!" He said grabbing my hand. His touch felt warm despite he was cold. A feeling I never felt before traveled my whole body. We runned up to the rock path that led to the huge castle. The water was splashing in my face and I couldn't stop laughing. We got to the fron door and stoped running to catch our breath. We looked at eachother and he smiled at me. It was small, almost invisible, but it was there.
We continued our way to the Common Room and it was empty. We sag down in the couch and looked at eachother.
"Let's plag a game" I said smiling.
"What kind of game?" He smiled back.
"Okey so, tell me five things about you and I'll tell you five mine" I said smiling.
"Why?" He asked confused, but also smiling.
"Why not?" I asked. He giggled a little.
"Fine" The blonde said sitting properly.
"But, as it goes further, the things you tell me have to be deeper" I said putting my hand on his knee.
"Deal" He said. "You go first" He said pointing at me.
"I love reading" I said nervously.
"I hate getting my photograph taken" He said looking at me.
"I would love how to play an instrument" I said.
"When I was six I accidentally dyed my hair, eyebrows and eyelashes dark green" He said laughing. I laughed too.
"How can you accidentally dye your hair?" I asked still laughing.
"I don't know". He said covering his eyes with his hand, kind of ashamed.
"I hate to look myself in the mirror" I said. We were both looking eachother in the eyes.
"I am afraid of storms and the dark" He said. The conversation was starting to get deeper.
"Since I found out I was a wizard, I have tha same nighmare every night" I said. My hart started beating really fast as my words left my mouth.
"When I'm nervous I humm to songs or I talk to myself out loud" He said without blinking.
"I always feel like I live under my brother's shadow" I said with my eyes getting watery.
"I can't cast a patronus charm" He said. We both stayed silent processing what we both said. I started to realize that we both were similar in some ways.
"Can I ask you about the dream?" He said almost in a whisper. I nodded yes with my head.
"I always wake uo in a cold forest. The leaves from the trees are all brown and in the floor. My body is all coverd up in woonds and I start to look at myself and, when I look up, both of my pearents and my godfather are there." I started to explain my dream. Tears filled my eyes but I fought them. "I stand up to go and hug them but they look me with horror in their faces, like I'm a sort of monster. They start running away from me" I finished. My voice craked, but the tears didn't fall.
"I sorry" Draco simply said, placing his hand on top of mine.
"It's fine, I'm used to it" I said trying to change the subject.
"You can't cast a patronus charm?" I asked looking at him. He looked away, ashamed of himself.
"Hey, it's fine" I said conforting him.
"No it's not".
"Why can't you do it?" I asked calmly, hoping that he wouldn't cut me off. He hasitated to answre, but he finally did.
"When I have to think about a happy moment, my mind goes blank" He said looking to the fire besides us.
"Do you want me to teach you how to do it" I asked getting closer to him.
"Why would you do that?" He asked looking back at me.
"It's fine to get help when you need it, Draco. It doesn't make you weaker" I said.
"Fine. Teach me" He said nodding his head. I smiled slightly.
"Thank you" He whispered before getting up.

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