Chap'Twelve <R>

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My car rolled to a stop a fair distance behind the tinted Escalade. Chewing my lip I sighed and got out. We grown Ohm this ain't nothing hard acting like a bitch, just tell the nigga you tryna fuck do the dirty then dip dassit.

For some fuck ass reason this nigga car doors was unlocked so I just slid in making him jump. He glared at me relaxed then hit the automatic lock, dumbass should've been did that.

Heir was slouched in the drivers seat, joint hanging loosely from his lips as he lazily bobbed his head to some depressing ass Drake song. He just so fine for no reason, he don't even be doing nothing or putting much effort into his appearance and I be heated.

"Wa do you Ohm?" His deep Barbadian accent made me involuntarily arch my back, I even felt my dick twitch a lil.

Just say it nigga be bold, how you run a gang and scared to ask for some dick?

"I'm tryna fuck." I said with the best deadass face I can pull, I saw his lip twitch but he quickly covered it up with a frown.

"Same but an nuh bottom." Me either... but fuck.

"So I gotta bottom just to get some dick?!" I snapped with hella attitude, he side eyed me but I ain't worried bout his feelings right now.

Heir ignored my obvious pouting, his weed and music being the main priority. I huffed loudly turning away from him. I know I'm too grown to act like this but I fall into the role of the bitch way too easily around him, that shit be coming naturally to me and it ain't my fault either, he normally gives me my way ian know why he acting dickish tonight.

"This finna be yo first time." Heir forced me to face him. "Think you can thug it out?" That part ain't even register to me, I was just mad heated but I ain't bitching out now it's just some dick.

"Yes..." I paused smirking "papi!" Heir snatched me up planting me on his already hard dick, damn.

Our teeth clashed as we exchanged saliva in the most heated and sloppy way. I always liked his kisses I've grown to crave them. His tongue twisted around mine sucking it into his mouth while I moaned rolling my hips, I smirk at the feel of his member throbbing below me.

Heir sucked, licked and nibbled up and down from my ear to my neck paying special attention to my more sensitive spots, shit felt good. Heir's arms slid under my shirt to tug on my nipples, the action surprised me causing me to bite down on Heirs lip he didn't seem to mind in fact he moaned.

"Take this shit off." I whispered in his ear as I crawled my way into the backseat. While Heir undresses I do the same, fighting my hardest to hold onto the confidence I had before I got here.

"Get my dick wet." Heir sat down next to me spreading his legs.

"I..." Man what the fuck do I do?

"Pretty sure you get head before." Heir made me look at him. "Just try to mimic that but do better please me." If I end up not liking this shit I'm a shoot this nigga for real.

Gripping Heirs dick by the base I take the tip into my mouth slowly using my tongue to tease it. Inch by inch I take Heir in until I've reached my limit, using my hands I work what I can't fit while using my mouth to please what I can fit. My fucking jaw hurt but I kept going, the wet sounds made along with the soft moans coming from Heir fueled my desire to please. My throat constricted as I bobbed my head up and down, I slurped and swallowed his dick the best I could which he seems to be enjoying.

"Fuck." Heir breathed making me shiver. "Sure this ya first?" He lazily smiled down at me.

"You like it?" I hate how small I feel, it's embarrassing.

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