Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Jamie's POV ~

Oh god, so many beautiful rainbows. Unicorns! Leprechauns. Look at those cute little green suits! I was in dream land, you know? That phase where you know you are dreaming and you just never want to wake up? As of now, I was in Candy Land and I was thrilled. What could possibly be better than this? Just when the fairies where about to give me cotton candy, I heard screaming in my house and I mentally groaned. Guess I'm going to have to wake up soon, that screaming can only come from my best friend. The one and only, Louis Tomlinson. Just as I was going to open my eyes, a large weight collapsed onto my legs. I sat up quickly with a startled shriek and kicked him.

"What the heck Lou?!?" He looked at me with an angelic smile and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry Jam." He had a habit of calling me jam, like the spread. I took my phone and checked the time.

"What are you doing here at freaking 7 am?" I asked while walking to my ensuite. I stared at myself in the mirror for awhile, I was 18 with wavy brown hair and bright blue eyes. I was rather short compared to Louis, I stood at 5'3 while he was 5'9. He appeared in my doorway while I was brushing my teeth.

"Well?" I asked with a mouthful of foamy toothpaste. He grinned at me.

"I'm going to audition for the X Factor." His british accent was strong with pride. I stared at him in the mirror and smiled. He's always had that dream of being a top chart singer.

"What are you going to sing?" I asked while rinsing my mouth and gargling. He stared at me with amusement shining in his blue eyes and flicked his slightly long brown hair out of his eyes.

"I'm thinking of doing Hey there Delia." I smiled at him, that's perfect.

"When's the audition?"

"July 10th." I stared at him, shocked.

"That's in three days isn't it?" I asked and he nodded slowly with a sheepish grin.

"Go practice, now." I demanded. He pouted at me and rubbed his stomach.

"But I'm hungry Jam, I want french toast." He whined. I rolled my eyes and headed down the stairs to start cooking. My dad was already seated at the table sipping his coffee.

"Hey dad!" I greeted. Dad smiled at me.

"Good morning munchkin, good morning Louis" Louis was digging in the fridge and popped his head out.

"Morning Charlie." He said with a mouth full of .... carrots?

"Lou are you eating carrots?" I asked while squinting at his mouth. He smiled causing orange bits to fall out of his mouth and nodded. Jesus Christ.

"Did you wash them?" I asked cautiously. His face immediately twisted into disgust and spat everything into the garbage can.

"Ew, I forgot about that." He murmured and then proceeded to rinse his mouth while I was laughing hysterically. I can't believe he's 18 sometimes, he acts like a child but that's the best part of him. He glared at me playfully and I stuck my tongue out. My dad chuckled.

"Are you sure that you two are of legal age?"

I went to the fridge and started taking ingredients out of the fridge to start making french toast that Louis so desperately wanted. In the middle of cooking, dad left to go to work and told us to behave but as soon as he left Louis took an egg and smashed it against my hair.

"What the F***!" I shrieked, I grabbed another egg and a food fight started. My mom came down and told us off for messing up her kitchen.

"Go take a shower you two." She muttered. We quickly ran up the stairs and I climbed into the shower. After I was squeaky clean, I walked out and checked my phone. There were messages from my 5 other best friends. Isabella, Marissa, Caiti, Kimberly, and Lisanne. After I replied to all of them, I smiled deviously because I heard Louis singing in the shower. He's got a sweet voice. I tiptoed into the washroom he was in and took a peek into his shower, He was facing the opposite wall. I quickly turned the water to ice cold and ran out quickly. I'm like a ninja, being athletic helps. I heard his high pitched scream and fell to the floor laughing. The door opened and Louis came out shivering with a towel covering his... manhood.

"You're gonna regret this Mactaggart." I raised an eyebrow and continued laughing. He grabbed me and threw me into the shower making me scream. The water was so damn cold! Now he was the one that was laughing hysterically and I scowled.

"Stupid, no good, annoying, carrot eating, singing doof." I muttered while stomping to my room. That just fueled his laughter. While getting new clothes from my drawers I noticed my photo of me and Louis as kids and smiled.


I was at the playground crying when a boy my age came up to me and sat down.

"I'm Louis! What's wrong?" He asked softly.

"My dolly is gone!" I sobbed it was my favourite pink princess doll. He immediately stood up and looked around the area. He returned holding Peaches my doll. He smiled showing that he had no front teeth.

"I found it!" He said proudly.

-End Flashback-

I smiled fondly remembering the first time we met. We were inseparable since that day, I hope he'll get through that audition even though I have no doubts in him


Yea this is a 1D fanfic so if your a hater, don't read /: But if you're tolerant, I intend it to be a very entertaining story. Vote + Comment C: Makes me happy and makes me update faster :*

~Anna Banana C:

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