Chapter Three: Fire Works

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"Hey shitykawa"  Iwaizumi  said while pulling Oikawa in for a kiss. Before Oikawa  could even answer he left a soft   baby like lips on his own.  Oikawa smiled as he wrapped his arms around  his partner. Iwaizumi  pulled away as he smiled " I missed you". Oikawa smirked " of corse your did who wouldn't ". And just like that Iwaizumi  got a random ass volleyball,  and hit Tooru in the head.

Back to the reason I made this.

Kiyoomi looked at Atsumu  and  gave him lysol and sanitizer. Atsumu looked at him in disbelief   " really?". Kiyoomi  give Atsumu a weird ass look " you think im joking?".  Atsumu  looked at Kiyoomi  and whined as he grabbed the lysol and sprays himself a bit. Then the sanitizer  and used 3 squeezes and rubbed it in and  handed it back. Kiyoomi  smiled and puts the items back were he got them from and grabbed Atsumu and kissed him right ass the fireworks  went off. Atsumu giggled as he kissed back, they then spent a hour watching the fireworks  while holding hands.

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