Chapter 17 - Tink

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I sat on the balcony of mine and Hange's house staring off into the beautiful city view we had, the concrete buildings towering around the smaller sized houses as the lights in closer apartment complexes flickered on and off.

The sound of the busy streets below as people hurried home from work, it was peaceful.

On our two year anniversary, Hange surprised me with keys to our shared apartment that she already had Levi clean and Erwin help with the interior and flooring.
It was a beautiful apartment on the very top of a luxury complex that was right in the middle of London, floor to ceiling windows showing the beautiful view of the city right at our fingertips.
It took a while for us to settle on a accent colour for the house, I wanted (favourite/colour) and Hange wanted an emerald green, with the help of Erwin, Miche and Levi being our judges they decided on beige.
Boring colour but they ended up being right about it, the beige fit perfectly and was a perfect swatch that was easily to find in cushions, curtains and pottery.

Unironically the shade name was Fawn, Erwin made the joke of it symbolising mine and Hange's relationship as we constantly 'fawned' over each other.
On our balcony we had two leather beige lounge chairs with spruce handlebars that curved alongside the cushions, that was Hange's favourite spot in the house to either have her meeting calls or just to relax.
It was the only place we haven't made out in the apartment, keeping it pure and a place of calm and quiet.

I leant back on our bed looking out the window as Hange's hums echoed through the apartment as she cooked up her lunch, the smell of seasoned chicken and chips swarmed through the halls to our room, my nose twitched as I felt my mouth water ever so slightly, swinging my body off of the bed beginning to walk down the hallway.
My feet patting against the spruce laminate flooring as I walked into the kitchen to see hange swaying side to side humming in tune with the music coming from the radio that was placed in the middle of the marble island,
I snuck up behind her and draped my arms around Hange's waist resting my head between her shoulder blades.

"Hey sugarplum~"
Hange purred, her hand softly stroking my forearm as her other hand dished up her lunch onto one of the ceramics Erwin gave us as a housewarming gift.
"Hmm" I hummed nuzzling my head into her back, my nose rubbing against her spine hearing her heartbeat mumble through the muscles of her back and clothes.
"I've made a bit of extra food if you want some, it's lemon and herb chicken with hassleback potatoes, I thought if we liked it I could pack it up for our lunches at work since it would be fine cold"
Hange spun around to face me with a cut up bit of chicken on a fork, holding it In her hand as she held the fork near my mouth, a chuckle escaped my lips as I opened my mouth before looking at the chicken noticing a tinge of pink dotted on the inside.
"Baby it's pink" I chuckled and looked at her, Hange's face dropped as she quickly spun the chicken to herself before swinging open the oven door and chucking the chicken back in there.
"Well shit"

A couple hours later we were cuddled up on the sofa as I scrolled through random sites on the laptop, Hange's arm draped around my shoulder holding me close to her chest as she watched the tv, it was some random sci-fi series on cannibalistic giants that tormented the population of regular folk that was already being treated terribly by their government like they were cattle.
Kinda boring.
I found myself land on a local adoption site for rescued animals, scrolling through the pages before finding a brown tabby cat, 2 months old with an emerald green eye with the other eye missing.
Her name was Tink, her fur was long and fuzzy but was thinner around her face which sharpened her features to be more slick and stoic, her ears were straight up like satellites picking up signal.

"Baby? You know we been living here for 2 years now, together for 4-"
I began to butter Hange up before asking her about the cat before a chuckle escaped her lips, her hand raised from my chest to pause the tv as her attention drew towards me
"Uh oh what do you want?"
I looked up at her and saw her eyebrows raised, I lifted up the laptop so she could see the screen and switched my eyes between Hange and the laptop.


Hange looked at the cat and pulled me up onto her lap as she took the laptop off of my hands, resting it on my lap as she looked through the details for Tink, her eyes scanned through the company details as she hummed her way through her thoughts.
"Are they open?"
She questioned, looking at me with a comforting smile on her face as she held me close to her, my eyes widened as I put the laptop down turning my whole body to her
"Are you serious?!"
My face lit up looking at her in shock, I didn't expect for Hange to agree with me so easily, I knew she loved animals but especially with the apartment still only being 2 years old I didn't know if she was ready to get a pet.
Hange stood up and held her hand out to me smiling
"We getting our new cat or what?"

We got to the adoption agency and walked in looking at the animals, my mind wanted to adopt every animal that looked in my direction and even cowered away, I sped over to the cat's cages and looked for Tink and found her laid down in a glass cage with her head up against the glass, Hange walked off over to the staff about adopting her as I dragged my finger against the glass.
Tink's eye followed my finger as her head slowly propped up from the glass, raising her paws trying to grab onto my finger through the glass as I played with her.
Through this small interaction I could feel the bond between me and Tink strengthen, practically falling he's sober heals for this kitten like she was a person, a child even.
"Is this the one you're wanting ma'am?"
A worker walked over with a clipboard and travel box in hand, Hange nodded and stepped over to me draping her arm around my waist as I continued to play with Tink.
"You are aware she's missing an eye right? We have other kittens around here without any deformities like little Zeus her-"

"No I want this one, she's perfect"
I cut the worker off, if we don't get Tink then she might not be fortunate enough to be adopted and staying there long enough to be seen as a lost cause and eventually get euthanised.
"Right, okay"
The worker spoke as she dug into her pockets of her blue khaki trousers pulling out a lanyard with a clump of keys attached to the keychain, sticking a key into the corner of the locked glass gate, turning it and opening the glass gate and putting her into the box.
The box had acrylic fronts with air holes poked in, a cushioned bottom for comfort with the roof being hardened cardboard clasping together at the top mimicking the shape of a house, similar to a build a' bear box of anything.

Hange picked up some toys and essentials for Tink as I sat on a chair by the door keeping her company, the box staying shut as I stuck my finger through one of the air holes letting her chew on my finger.
"Got everything, you ready to go princess?"
Hange walked over with a bag filled with treats, toys, food, litter pellets and some flea collars and tablets in case of emergency.
I nodded and smiled swinging up on my chair and holding the box close to me as I walked out to the door
"Thank you!" I waved to the worker before walking out of the centre and to Hange's car, sitting in the passenger seat and quickly doing up my seatbelt hearing Tink's mews from her box that was temporarily placed on the floor by the car door.
"I'm here Tinky don't worry"
I hummed and picked up her box putting it on my lap before closing the car door, Hange put the bags into the back seat before getting into the drivers seat and leaning over to have a closer look at Tink, her hands opening the box as her head peaked out.

We finally got home and set up everything for tink including her litter box, some training mats dotted around the apartment and our room in the case of an accident.
Hange was playing with Tink in the living room as I washed my face, through the sounds of the running water splashing in the sink I could hear Hange speaking in a baby toned voice to Tink as she responded back in mews like they were having a conversation.
I patted my face dry with a towel before walking out of the bathroom towards the living room, Tink hearing me approach she stumbled towards me and mewed loudly as she sat by my feet.
"So I'm guessing, getting a cat was one of the best ideas we've ever done?" Hange questioned, her body leaning back against the sofa as her eyes followed Tink as I picked her up craddling her in my arms like she was a child, my hands clasping under her armpits holding her close.
"One of them yes, maybe even better than when you asked me out~"
I smirked and put Tink down onto the sofa, Hange jumped up at gripped onto my waist tightly.

Her arms draping around my waist before her grip pulled me in close, her face inches away from mine as her eyebrow raised questioning me, her voice purring in my ear feeling the hot breath escaping her lips and tingling against the cold surface of my cheeks.
"Won't be number 1 for long"

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