Chapter 19 - Planning

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"If I don't get these (favourite colour) napkins I'm going to actually hurt myself"
I groaned slamming my phone down onto the table, wedding planning was far from being easy-doing.
No wonder why wedding planners are so expensive, I respect them but I want to make sure everything is on how I want it to be, not how someone thinks I want it to be.
"How is it so hard to find the colour and a fucking napkin?!"

This was nothing like don't tell the bride, I wanted to claw my eyes out with the silverware and wipe the sockets with silk pocket-squares.

"Babe babe come on.."
Hange's voice lingered from behind me as I felt her presence come close, her hands raising to my shoulders before settling on the top of my head
"Crack an egg on your head, feel the yolk drip down.."
her soft voice lingered through my ears, her fingers lightly skimming my skin creating shivers down my spine, feeling ounces of stress rush down my legs to my ankles and finally out of my body.
Hange always knew how to calm me down, but this time was a lot more different and personally a lot worse, this wasn't just a date or an argument or meeting of her parents, this was our future.

The day I've been waiting for since we've been dating, societies milestone of relationships finally becoming serious enough that people will pester you questioning when you're going to be having kids more than when you're going to be getting married.

"The silk version is really pretty but it doesn't have the colour I want.. it has a more cotton and rough feel one in the colour i want but I hate the texture"
I whined, throwing my head back leaning against Hange and her chest, all I wanted was this to just be over and done with, if I could magically make our dream wedding appear without any of the planning It would be perfect.

But that's not how life is.. is it ?

"Does it really matter baby? All that matters that I'm with you, and our friends will be there with us for us to celebrate us and how far we've come together"
Hange spoke lowly in my ear, her breath tingling on my skin making the hairs on my neck stand on end.

God I love this woman..

"I know but I want everything to be perfect"
I sighed walking away and up to the display of napkins, all laid in their set sections by colour and fabric, taking a sample of each shade of (favourite colour) and holding it up to each and every part of furniture and accent colours.
Hange stood behind me with her arms crossed before walking over, picking up a emerald green satin napkin sample and placing it in the planner.
"Easy, it matches the plants and your bouquet, all the colours are warmer toned so having a cold earthy colour breaks it up and gives good contrast"
She spoke so simply, shrugging her shoulders before walking over to the wedding invite areas.
How was this so easy for her?

Was she married before Leon?

I glanced back at the planner and held the emerald green next to everything in there, and annoyingly enough Hange was spot on, no needing to double check everything with the correct shade of green or whatever, it was a perfect match.
"Hey hey hey love birds how's it going!"
Erwin's booming voice came from behind me, I spun around looking at him confused as I wasn't aware he was coming.
"Erwin! Come here don't speak to the bride it's urgent!"
Hange snapped her fingers at Erwin motioning him to come over, Erwin looked at her confused as he was demanded to follow her orders like a dog on a lead.
He gave an awkward half wave before walking to Hange, their voices lowering to a mumble between the two making it near enough impossible to understand them.

Whatever, I'll find out on the wedding day.

Luckily the last thing I was stressed over was the wedding dresses, due to me not having any female friends i figured I'd be doing the dress shopping on my own, taking the immense amount of stress of pleasing people more than myself off of my shoulders.
Hange had the rest of the day planned with extra wedding planning while I went off to get my dress, i picked up my bag on my way to Hange
"I'm gonna go try on dresses now baby, I love you"
I hummed before giving Hange a soft peck on the lips, Hange was quick to stop her conversation so I didn't hear in
"I love you too baby, make sure he doesn't belittle you"
Hange raised her hand to pat my waist, I raised my eyebrows in confusion. Who's he?
"Come on y/n, be too long and you'll be wearing a charity shop dress"
Levi's monotone voice came from behind me, I flinched jumping back looking at him shocked he even gotten so close to me so quietly

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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