chapter 5: Dracona arrives

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Lana pov

Captain Lena walked in and sat down next to Jett as she pulled out a tablet and turned it on

Captain Lena:" your going to want to see this. it's the footage of the fight"

she pulls up some footage to reveal the floor below the roof and on the screen Jett was running as Reyela grabbed and threw him through a wall as he got impaled by rebar. she walked over and stood back as Jett  pulled himself off and healed, he rushed her but she punched him through the floor, captain Lena pulled up the video from that floor showing Jett get up as his Reyela dropped down in front of him, he got up and rushed her again but she grabbed him by the face and threw him out the window then walked to the ledge as she gave an evil smile

me:" this can't be right, Reyela told me she would never lay a hand on him. that was a fucking lie"(angry as fuck)

Captain Lena:" we're looking everywhere for Reyela, maybe she had a good reason to do so"

me:" oh I don't think so. that bitch doesn't deserve to be a mother after putting the very child she gave birth to into a coma"( starting to turn red)

Bridgette:" mom please calm down"

all of a sudden Jett begins to thrash around, I ran out into the hall and yelled for a doctor. he rushed in and yelled for us to get out as several nurses ran in. about an hour later the doctor came out and told us that Jett had a seizure and they had to relieve the pressure on his brain but the reading from his brains weren't conclusive with a seizure. 

me:" wait, but you said he had a seizure"

Doctor:" I said he had a seizure like episode"

me:" interesting"

A couple of weeks passed as we waited and watched Jett to see when or if he would wake up. Captain Lena would pop in every now and then to give us updates on the progress of the hunt for Reyela. I came into the room and sat down drinking my coffee as Bridgette slept in a chair next to the bed. then all of a sudden Jett shot up awake in tears

Jett pov

[in his mind before waking up]

I wake up in a dense forest shrouded in fog at night, as I get up I hear a voice, I know I've heard it. it was feminine 

?????:" Jett Oliver Marek, we finally meet"

me:" who are you? where are you"?

???:" I am everywhere and nowhere, I am creation and destruction"

me:" that doesn't narrow it down"

???(sighing):" my names Dracona, I am an Eldritch goddess, I am the embodiment of the universe, and you child are my champion"

me:" what"?

Dracona:" follow my voice and I'll explain"

me:" fine. I'm stuck here anyway, might as well"

I walked for about an hour until the I came to a clearing and saw who must've been Dracona. a beautiful dragon made of pure energy similar to energy that comes out of my hands

she looked down at me and smiled as I felt the energy her energy flow through me and she  appeared behind me but in a more humanoid form resembling a dragon furry with her head tilted

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she looked down at me and smiled as I felt the energy her energy flow through me and she  appeared behind me but in a more humanoid form resembling a dragon furry with her head tilted. I hadn't noticed that I'd been crying

Dracona(hugging me): "what's wrong little one

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Dracona(hugging me): "what's wrong little one

me(tearing up):" my birth mom attacked me after I found out she was working against my home and put me into a coma"

Dracona:" I know. I just had to check because the my last champion I was bonded to, lied to me all the time"

me:" wait bonded"?

Dracona:" yes, every time a massive conflict is eminent I choose one of my children to bond with. your soul is intertwined with mine"

me:" your part of of my soul,  why are showing yourself to me now"?

Dracona:" I make myself known when I feel like my wielder is ready"

me:" wait you said massive conflict. what do you mean? is something about to happen"?

Dracona:" yes. with the murder of Stratus, calamai and its allies are going to retaliate against earth, the alliance of sovereign systems will rally to defend it. earth will become a battleground, that's why I have chosen you, you have the drive to defend your home even to the death.(looks up as her eyes glow) I'm having a vision of the future, you will lose someone close to you"

me:" wait who?(grabs her by the shirt)tell me"!!!

Dracona just grabs my hand and throws me aside she then lays down next to me while speaking in a strange language and I feel a sharp pain in my side as a symbol is burned into my flesh. I scream out in pain but Dracona grabs me by the face and kisses me as something falls out of her mouth and goes down my throat. I struggle and get back up

me:" what the hell was that"

Dracona:" I have given you my mark and language"(she walks over to a purple fire and grabs ashes out and throws them into my eyes as I fall down and scream in pain but it quickly subsides) I now give you my sight"

as I open my eyes I see glowing purple symbols all over the place.  she explains that she will use these symbols to guide me on my way. she leans in and kisses me as I begin to wake up. I woke up in the hospital as mom jumped back. she hugged me as the others ran in and were happy to see me awake. the doctor came in and ran some tests as he took me off the ventilator. then Captain Lena came in and said they found mother in Moscow

Captain Lena:" we're going to send in a squad to bring in Reyela"

me:" not without me your not"

mom:" but sweetie you just woke up"

me:" I'm fine, my healing factor repaired the damage. besides I want a rematch with mother"

mom:" but"

Captain Lena:" we could use all the help we could get"

mom:" fine but be careful"

me:" I will, this time I won't hold back, I'll be fighting to kill"

mom:" your seriously willing to kill your own biological mother"

me:" hell yeah. she put me in a coma, showing no mercy. she deserves none in return. Captain Lena, you need to equip your men with the strongest weaponry you can muster. mother won't go down without a fight"

Captain Lena:" already on it"

me(getting up pulling iv out of arm):" good. its time mother got a taste of her own medicine"

Revenant: soldier of the past(human guy in a furry world) book 2Where stories live. Discover now