Chapter 33: Seto vs Yugi; Clash of the Gods - part one

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The rush of adrenaline in Seto's veins gave him a high that was incomparable to any pre-duel rush he'd felt before

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The rush of adrenaline in Seto's veins gave him a high that was incomparable to any pre-duel rush he'd felt before.

This was it.

He was finally going to reclaim his title as the world's best duelist from the one who'd stollen it from him. He'd gone over numerous strategies and scenarios in his mind as he waited for Roland to announce that it was time for the duel.

Ryoko was resting on his bed, Mokuba and Noah curled on either side, all three fast asleep. Her duel with her half-brother took a lot out of her, even he knew that, it was the same for Marik who was still out-cold in his room as well. But even so, he hadn't forgotten to give Ryoko the prize she had earned fair and square.
His cerulean eyes stole a glance at the golden card resting face-up on the bedside table next to her loyal Red-Eyes.
The Winged Dragon was now Ryoko's, so now all three finalists had a God card in their possession, effectively evening the playing field.

Seto looked back down at the two cards in his hand, one of his Blue-Eyes and Obelisk, he pondered over all that had happened throughout the tournament. Almost predictably his mind drew the vision he'd witnessed during his duel against Ishizu to the forefront of his mind. Kaiba shook his head dismissively, this was no time to wonder over the hallucinations he'd seen during that infuriating duel against the female Ishtar. He was still a little sore over the woman turning his strategy against him.

Perhaps later, after he had sufficient time to proverbially lick his wounds he'd be able to admit it had been a good strategy to use against him given the way he dueled. Until then however he would silently fume and plot out the strategies he could use to take down Yugi in his upcoming match.

The card Ryoko had gifted him would prove invaluable in this match without question. Spell Sanctuary would likely prove more useful than Obelisk in this match, and that was saying something as it was a Egyptian God card.

His cerulean eyes glanced at the clock on his bedside table, and taking note of the time he stood from his chair before leaning over his brothers and his girlfriend, smiling softly as he watched the three most important people in his life snuggle against one another. Quietly, so as not to disturb them, he leaned over to press soft kisses against each of their foreheads before exiting his room and heading to the tower to wait for Yugi so they could start their duel.


"The semi final duel will now begin! I repeat: this duel will end the semi finals!" Roland announced from the center of the duel ring before moving to the spectator area as Seto and Yugi geared up for their showdown.

"All right, now! Get ready Yugi we're about to find out which one of our Egyptian God cards reigns supream!" Seto called as he drew his starting hand.
"So let the epic battle begin!"

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