BFB 30 Thoughts [4/11/21]

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OH YEAH BFB 30... i forgot to talk about that. Of course, this is the post for that! MAJOR spoilers for it so please watch it before you check the rest of this post out!! ^^

The season finale, huh?It's been a wild journey and I have a lot to express. I'm going to miss the hell out of season 4, ngl. It's been crazy from the beginnings in 2017 to the split. I've first watched bfb and voted the day the episode had come out and being here now with a mark in the community and seeing the beloved show I remember end in such a nice way feels nice. I have a lot to unpack in this 40+ minute finale so let's get this shit started!

-Flower's WinOriginally I was against Flower winning, as I was rooting for Gelatin to win. I do believe her method to get to that win was unfair with the writer's bias, clearly shown in 29 when they decided to write her saving the show. It honestly hurt to watch Gelatin lose without even a close vote as Flower was in the lead from the beginning. Though, my opinion has shaped a bit since 30. I'm really glad Flower has proven she's changed by giving the prizes away and embracing that her win was with the friends she made along the way. I felt really happy for Flower, knowing that she's a changed character and that she could spend the time with Gelatin and her other friends happily.

-ExitorsOH SHIT I DID NOT EXPECT THEM TO BE IN THIS EPISODE AT ALL. I am so glad they added them in, it felt like a nice reminder of their existence because TPOT sure isn't coming out and it's been debated if the crack was Four (which uh obviously is the answer) or the Exitors. I'm still quite worried but it is really interesting how Four chose to imagine the Exitors in his little imagination. Also you don't wanna know how disturbing it felt for me to see them just group up and go against Four, verbally bashing him. It really does hurt to see Four tell himself these sorta things and the fact it comes from the Exitors specifically sells that. I'm happy with the screentime they got and they did feel really fake and I believe that was the point.

-Firey & Leafy's ConclusionI don't even know what to say. Sure, it felt sorta like fanservice but.. It felt nice. It felt nice to see their relationship develop and them getting back together as friends... I don't ship them. I don't ship them romantically at all nor should they be imo. I love them platonically. They're such good friends and it feels nice to see a healed friendship and them as good friends again. It gives me a feeling of nostalgia and niceness. They moved on and them finding their own dream island just.. Oh, that felt really heartwarming.. The backgrounds for the ending scenes with them sailing off also was nice, and the reference of the boat was also great. Overall, I like this conclusion and I hope the best to their adventures.

-Four & His ConfrontationThis... Now, this was the highlight of the entire episode. I'm shocked how Four was handled and I need to admit. It is realistic as fuck. I don't want to get into much detail but I know how it feels to be in Four's position, thinking you are unwanted and uncared for. Four pushing everyone away and running away was something I used to do frequently and how Four acted impulsively was so realistic and it hit me hard. It's nice to know that they aren't treating Four as some innocent saint (for the most part) and I do appreciate the contestants and partially X confronting their ab-ser. Gelatin's confrontation hit hard. The scene was amazing and I will never forget that scene.I love Four. He is so complex and so relatable that it hurts. The only thing I have that is basically my main complaint about the episode is that the resolution felt so quick and it hurt. It hurt to see Four get redeemed so easily while in the real world, it isn't that easy. It's a minor complaint and I can't really blame post-split for not being able to go with a sastifactory ending because it's better then none. I just wish there was more consequences for his actions. Overall, I am so glad to see more backstory on Four and everything about him. He feels great and so real now, I am going to most likely be rewatching bfb to investigate Four's situation in greater detail.

-PurplefaceHE ROCKED THIS EPISODE!! Oh my god I love Purpleface so much. I feel mixed opinions after a lot of things but I like looking at the pros for this. Purpleface was amazing. I loved his behavior and him stealing the BFDI was pretty funny to me. I think they nailed his character really well with this and I can't express how great he was. One of my favorite parts of the episode was actually Spongy and Purpleface's interactions. It felt charming to me in a way, I absolutely adore him.Give the dude his payment!! >:D He had a completely reasonable motive to steal the BFDI, even if it was a bit bold. I think that's the point of his character though, haha. I hope to see Pf more because honestly he deserves a lot more.

-Extra Points~Balloony: I love him so much he did so well. I still prefer him in the EXIT out of all places but he did really act like the balancing point out of everyone else here! Also don't get me started on the "Choo Choo" part.~Profily: I don't think they did that much this episode, but I like their contributions! It was funny seeing the scene go back to them and they're just having their own fun. I also noticed that they were the only contestant who hadn't went for the prize or after Four, dividing the other contestants in half.~Season 6?!: It'd be interesting to see what they do for the hypothetical next season. Whatever it'll be, I'll be waiting! I love BFDI and I don't really want to let that go, so I'll be excited for the future of that.~Spongy: HE WAS SO GOOD THIS EPISODE. I love his snarky personality a lot, though I could get why people don't like him for that. He was just better like that imo.

-ConclusionBFB 30 was great.I was on vacation at the time so I literally spent the time walking around and watching 30 with my headphones on. It felt nice to watch all of it and just enjoy it for what it was. I love post-split, hell, I prefer it more then TPOT. I'm gonna miss it a lot so, here's the end of a chapter and possibly the start of a new one.

Also for the above drawing, it's just a WIP of a screenshot redraw I had for 30. I'll probably post the final product on my artbook :)

That's it for my thoughts! Thanks for reading and have a nice day / afternoon / evening!

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