yellow face relationship headcanons [1/19/22]

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definitely didn't forget this book existed. nope!

well, i finally have shit to share, which, i think migth be a fun read for anyone interested since ive been trying to develop yf in my hcs a lot more lately esp with the amount of potiental he has with othjers. oh btw this is mostly supposed to be humanized but you can interept it as objects if it fits! which idk about u i dont rlly think so lol

yellow face probably is a very old contestant, most likely one of the oldest being currently in his 30s-40s. he probably is a very retro sorta person, having advertised back in the old days before retiring and coming back again. the person that used to be the closest to him is purple face, who is a few years younger then him.

the two used to be childhood friends turned business partners, until a conflict broke out between the two which had made yf ditch pf and go solo business-wise. he probably ended up kidnapping him sometime later and trapping him in the cage / box thing we see in bfb 21 :)

though a few years later on he had probably ended up meeting lollipop at a cafe or something, maybe lollipop was like a barista of sorts at the time and they became quick friends since lollipop when she was younger actually saw yf as a rolemodel! i think he would've actually mentored lollipop for a bit, teaching her his ways of business even if it wasn't the most practical way of doing it. also it was mostly platonic i don't really think they wouldve had anything too romantic between them esp since lollipop is like in her 20s or early 30s which is kinda a weird age gap for anything?? romantic? 

i see after like a few years of mentoring her, he had decided to retire for an unknown amount of time while lollipop continued on with her own business with the products we see in the show like the fork repellent. she's sorta grown from yf's old ways, mostly being more of a sly businessowman then anything now. 

yellow face probably had stopped once he had came back out of retirement and is sorta a much more genuine person overall, though more cold due to him not wanting to use up his energy to fake out anything unless it's for things such as advertisements in which he tends to get really snappy afterwards. so when lollipop and yf had met after he went out of retirement, hijinks insue and now they hate eachother.

i think after this time is when he began to come off as "racist" or just having a hatred for the color purple due to his deep association with 2 people he had considered close at one point and having to cut contact with them. he's sorta grown spiteful and all over it, which could make him come off as psychopathic and cold towards others.

though this is about all ive gathered, i hope to use this little book more since i like sharing headcanons nad just expressing what i think about things ^^ hope this read was somewhat interesting!

yf has always been an interesting character to me and im trying to do my own take on him~ since... yeah, i do have psychopathic headcanons about him at times but im sorta trying to derive from that and make him more of an ass then somebody who's insane

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2022 ⏰

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