The Final Notes of Exitronpa 1 [10/4/21]

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...jesus i haven't used this book much, have i?

well, this is mostly just concepts and shit anyways. mostly a place where if i want to ramble things out to the world, i'll put it here. so let's get started, shall we? This is a continuation of the previous exitronpa log, so there's a lot of details there that won't be spoken about here to save time and not to repeat myself.

firstly! liy's talent.
she's been offically revealed as the ultimate investigator, but she has had MULTIPLE talent swaps throughout the book before finally landing on that. i don't precisely remember all of them but inventor (the first perceived talent) was 100% one of them, though was scrapped and was used as a decoy. I think there was also maniuplator and much more that I cannot remember for the life of me. 

overall, a lot of changes were during the book. One of which was Taco and the new status check image? I suppose? Well, the original was intended to be like this at the end:

Now, this might be VERY surprising information but there was a major change in Chapter 5 + 6 that I will like to share with you all now

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Now, this might be VERY surprising information but there was a major change in Chapter 5 + 6 that I will like to share with you all now. 8-Ball was intended to be the original blackened of the chapter, but after the realization that it was an all female surviving cast, I had swapped him with Liy to make up for it. (that wouldn't have been very pretty for loser, i must admit.) With this VERY important chapter, another thing had changed, and that was the execution! There was another execution concepts that were made, which will be showed below:

Liy is strapped to a metal pole, as she looks around frantically to try to find a way to escape. She tries to untie the ropes, but as she does, the pole begans to lower down to a bunch of grinding gears. It cuts up her body, leaving her badly wounded and bruised. The gears grinding get more intense and faster as she keeps on being lowered. Once she reaches the floor, she's all cut up and dead.

Now, one final important note is the Chapter 6 that would've happened if there weren't the 4 deaths in Chapter 5! Infact, Gelatin and Pencil were both intended to die in that now nonexistent Chapter 6. The basis would've went like this:

Pencil decides to break one of the rules of Monoroku's game by going out after 10PM. She does this because she hears footsteps outside while she was attempting to sleep. She decided to stay up all night, tramuatized by the realization that Liy, one of her other closest friends were dead and that she wasn't sure how long she could survive. She decides to take the risk of dying, knowing that she would be able to join her friends in the afterlife. She heads out, slowly opening her door and noticing Gelatin as he walks past the hallway and turns a corner where Pencil gets to hear a bit of conversation. With even more suspicison, she goes over to the corner to watch them and listen in to the conversation. Gelatin basically says how much fun it is to see everyone in so much pain and how it's so funny and all fun and games. This pisses Pencil off big time as she goes and strangle Gelatin as soon as he finishes the conversation and turns the corner to see her.Pencil confronts Gelatin, yelling in pain. She wanted to avenge all of her friends and clearly wasn't thinking straight as she slowly makes him lose his oxygen and kill him. Out of anger and fear, she turns over to Monoroku who was just standing there with an hurt expression. He hadn't processed how he was maniuplated yet, going to firmly tell Pencil that he won't punish her due to her killing Gelatin and her eventual execution would occur. Pencil knows exactly what he meant, and goes to go and put his body up against his room's door for everyone to see. She gets quite hesitant during the trial to confess, but eventually gets the courage to and admits her crimes, shouting out at Monoroku that he got maniuplated and he needs to end the killing game. Monoroku then only realizes, but the voting was already cast and Pencil gets executed. this case would've otherwise been impossible but pencil decides to be selfless and saves the rest of the cast from Gelatin's and Monoroku's wrath.

There was also an Pencil execution drawing made before the change was made to move it to Chapter 5.

There was also an Pencil execution drawing made before the change was made to move it to Chapter 5

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Now otherwise, that's about it! 

Thank you for anybody reading this, and have this funny gelatin blood drawing i made 

Thank you for anybody reading this, and have this funny gelatin blood drawing i made 

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Lastly, I'd just like to say a little something...
A sequel may come out. Maybe not. I'll simply say that if so, it'll be much more brutal than the first book. :)

Bye! :D

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