The Black family, the Potter's and Sirius, just stared at each other for a while, the Potters had they're wands out, ready to protect Sirius, while Wulburga stepped in front of Regulus to confront them, Wulburga broke the awkward silence.
"Well, well, if it isn't my blood traitor son,". she said with a look of hate and disgust. "Went running right off to the Potters', after everything we've done to him-" she was cut off by the boy in question.
"You never did anything to me except abuse and hurt me!" Sirius exclaimed, face red in anger.
"Don't talk to me like that you filthy blood traitor! I am you're mother-"
"You lost that title a long time ago!" Sirius shouted back.
Regulus stood silently, behind his mother twidling his thumbs together, (something he did when he was nervous or anxious) waiting for all this to end so he can go home, because he's exhausted of all the fighting if he's being honest. While the Potters still had they're wands pointed at Wulburga.
"You're a disgrace to our family!" shouted Wulburga.
"I was never a part of it anyways!" Sirius yelled back.
That made Regulugs' heart sink and look up from his shoes to Sirius' face. Did he ever consider me as his family? The Potters were always his family, i guess. Never me...
Regulus looked at Sirius with a hurt expression but hid it quickly behind his usual blank expression, Sirius just stared back.
Wulburga noticed a croud forming around them, and didn't want to make a scene, so she said angrily "Let's go Regulus". Then walked away. Regulus shuffled from foot to foot awkwardly while the Potters and Sirius stared at him. Euphemia and Fleamont stared at him with pity, Sirius still looked angry with his mother, James was staring at Regulus with curiousity.
Regulus was about to open his mouth to say something to his brother, but Wulburga cut him off, "COME ON REGULUS!".
Regulus snapped his head to look at his mother to see her impatiently tapping her foot on the ground "I-I have to g-go" he stammered out, then rushed next to his mother, stumbling slightly, Wulburga grabbed his shoulder and they dissaparated back to theyre house.
After the run-in with the Blacks, the mood went slightly gloomy, but Euphemia tried to cheer them up, then they dissaparated home.
Euphemia and Fleamont said they needed to go see some people, so they left the boys home alone, upstairs in James' room. James was sat on his desk rolling a pencil up and down the desk. Sirius was laying on James' bed upside down, so his head dangled off the edge his hair looking like a maine around his head, to say the least they were bored.
"Im boooooored" whined Sirius. "We need to do something fuuun!".
"Like what, Padfoot?" sighed James.
"I dont knooow!" Sirius whined, again.
Sirius abruptly sat up, like he'd just remembered something, looking extremley, well, serious, (lol). "Do you think he's okay?" he asked quietly.
"Who?" asked James, confused.
"Regulus." answered Sirius.
James' thoughts drifted off to the said boy, thinking about his perfectly, messy, black curls, about how the boy was shorter than him by 3 inches, how his skin looked so smooth , how his lips looked plump and pink, his eyes, oh, his eyes, he could drown in the gray color that was his eyes, his eyes were slightly darker shade of gray that made them look kinda bluer than Sirius', but they looked better in his opinion. Why am i having these thoughts about my bestfriends little brother? He's not even that good looking... James thought to himself, feeling reassured, until, a little, tiny voice in the back of his head said. Liar. But he just shoved those thoughts down, and turned to Sirius.
"Im sure he's fine, Paddy" James smiled reassuringly him, even tho, he, himself wasn't sure of the answer.
Not wanting to dwell on it longer than necessary, James grinned mischieviously said, "Come on, i have a brilliant prank idea on my parents"
Sirius instantly brightened up and broke of to a grin and asked excitedly "Enlighten me". And pranked they did.
Regulus and Wulburga got back home, and first thing Regulus did, was try to get back up to his room, but his mother called him back.
"Regulus" Wulburga called out to him, coldly.
Regulus gulped, but turned around non-the-less. "Yes, mother?" he asked politley, but on the inside he just wanted to bite her head off.
(tw) Wulburga turned to her son and slammed him into a wall her, hands on the coller of his shirt, he was startled to say the least, "Mother, what-" he started fearfully, but getting cut off due to a slap to the face, and his cheek started to bleed due to the ring she had on her finger, cut his skin.
(done w the tw) "I dont want you speaking to that blood traitor again, do you understand?" she hissed, towering over him to intimidate him
"Yes, mother" Regulus said quietly, his eyes held fear when he stared at his mother.
"I SAID, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" Wulburga shouted in his face, she didnt like muttering, she liked people to speak up.
"Yes, mother" he replied, this time more clearly. He touched his cheek, and winced when he saw there was blood on his hand.
"Good. Now go pack. The Hogwarts express will leave at 11 AM" she ordered him, while glaring at him. Then she walked out to the kitchen like nothing ever happened. Regulus sighed and went to his room his eyes stuck to the floor, he was still shaken up about what happened.
He got to his room and started to pack. While packing he was lost in thought.
He wished he could run away. But he had no where else to go, besides he didnt want to intrude. Then his thoughts drifted to who he saw in Diagon Alley today. Sirius looked much better in Regulus' opinion, he looked like he'd been eating enough, and looked genuinely happy, unlike himself. Then his thoughts drifted to James Potter.
His messy black hair, that he always seemes to run his hands through, his crooked, circular specticals, his mischievous grin, and his bright, always-seems-to-be-happy, hazel eyes, and his muscular build, wait... Why am i thinking of my brothers best mate like that, he's nothing but a loud, arrogent blood traitor, i couldn't care less what happened to him...
Regulus shook himself out of his thoughts. And continued packing. As he was finishing a photo album, lay under his bed caught his eye, he reached forward hesitantly, pulled it from under the bed, opened it and started to tear up from seeing whats inside.
Photos of him and Sirius when they were kids. Young and innocent.
He closed the album, because he was sure he was gonna break down if he kept looking at the pictures. He shoved the album into his trunk, mentally remembering to give it to Sirius, and continued packing in silence.
After he finished he put the trunk of the end of his bed, and went to the bathroom to change for his pyjamas, brush his teeth and clean up his cut, then layed on his bed in a starfish positions, staring at the cealing, he wasnt that tired. then his face brighted a bit when he remembered.
Romeo and Juliet.
He took out the book front the drawer beside his bed and started to quietly read. Twenty pages later, His eyelids started to feel heavy, so he put the book in his trunk, layed back down under the duvets, and fell asleep dreaming to go back to Hogwarts.
Chapter 3!...4 coming soon.

My Favorite Slytherin | Jegulus | *DISCONTINUED*
FanfictionWhat if Sirius Black runs away but forgets about his brother, Regulus? What if him running away makes Regulus distance himself from him? What if in James Potter's 5th year he sees his best friend's little brother in a different light? Well, I'm not...