Chapter 4

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Just as Maya promised, she was waiting outside the bookstore for 7pm, eager to see the brunette who hasn't left her mind for almost two months. Carina was prompt at leaving the bookstore, her tote bag draped over her shoulder as she locked eyes with the blonde who was leant against the wall.

"I thought I would show you some of my roots from around here. I grew up not far from the fire station before I started making music." Maya explained as they started to walk down the street, side by side in sync with their footsteps. 

"I would love to see more from this city, I haven't really had a chance to look around and I have lived here for almost 5 years now." Carina explained. "Yeah it's a great place, I loved it. I still own a house here even though I'm mostly in L.A." The blonde reminisced a little of  her time in the Washington city, thinking of the little good childhood memories that she had before she moved out. "It must be amazing owning big houses Ms. hotshot." Carina laughed slightly, Maya smirking at her humor. 

"It's lonely. Yeah I have friends and all but when I'm home I'm by myself all the time, I'm lucky if my gardener speaks to me most days." The blonde frowned a little as she spoke, Carina looking at her and taking in every word she spoke. 

"When I was growing up, there was always someone in my house, that's just the Italian way! We would see my grandma a lot and always have people over cooking together, that's one thing I miss from home." The Italian watched as Maya smiled at her talk about her memories from back home. 

"That sounds like a dream, I barely seen my family growing up, anyways, should we get something to eat? I know this small place quite close to here." Maya suggested smiling at the girl who nodded quickly knowing that she had barely ate all day from working. 


They walked for a little while until Maya led them into a small restaurant which Carina had never seen before. It was quiet inside but felt homey. Maya brought the older woman into a booth and they sat down opposite each other, looking over the menu. 

Carina kept looking around, taking in the uniqueness of the small place. "You know, I don't live far from here and I've never noticed it before. I probably walk past it a lot and never think anything of it."

"This is definitely a hidden gem here in Seattle. I used to come a lot and write songs, I'd sit all night until they closed with a glass of wine, just trying to find the right words." Maya confessed, Carina smiling, thinking how she had never properly listened to the girl's music, other than being at her concert. 

"I feel like I could sit in here and read books all day, it's so calming." The Italian spoke, finally deciding what she was going to eat. 


After their food arrived, Carina was surprised at how amazing it was, proper food with a sense of home cooking. 

"So I just gotta ask, Why did you move to Seattle?" Maya burst out after a while of silence, clearly the girl had been wanting to ask for some time. 

"Well, I lived in Catania my whole life with my Mama and Papa, they divorced when I was a teenager and my mama moved here with my little brother, Andrea. My father has bipolar and he refuses treatment so he would be angry a lot with us all but I knew how to keep him calm. Then my mama passed away a few years back so I just decided to move here. Andrea owns a little bar called Deluca's." Carina finished explaining, Maya grabbing her hand during as she teared up a little. 

"Wow, that's a lot. I'm sorry about your Mom." Maya sympathized. 

"Tell me your story bella." Carina spoke as she wiped a little tear that had escaped. 

"Uh wow that's a loaded question. Well you know I grew up in Seattle. I lived with my Mom, Dad and younger brother Mason. I used to compete in track, I was good, like Olympic good and my dad was tough. But I only did it with school, I never wanted to take it further, he disagreed and got mad a lot. My brother was a drug addict. He uh died 2 years ago. I was on tour in Brazil and my aunt only bothered to call me 3 days after he died to let me know. He overdosed." Maya breathed, taking turns to be the one tearing up. Carina started rubbing her thumb along the girl's hand to comfort her. "I don't really speak to my parents anymore. They weren't supportive. They didn't like my music choices and they don't like my relationship choices. I was kicked out when I came out to them. My dad told me it was a disgusting lifestyle and I needed to grow up. I was only just turned 18." 

"Bella. I'm so sorry to hear all of this, it must have been so hard." It was now Carina's time to sympathize with the blonde as she sniffled trying hard not to cry. 

"It was. But screw them, I have plenty of friends and an awesome career." Maya half laughed, her eyes were staring past the girl as she thought about her parents and Mason. 


The pair finished their meal and Maya told the Italian she would walk her home. They walked, now hand in hand along the seafront towards Carina's apartment which wasn't as far. As they approached the door, Carina turned to the girl. "Do you want to come in?" Carina smirked a little.

"I had better not." Maya held her hands up to stop herself.  "How long are you in town for?" The brunette questioned as a small frown escaped her face knowing that she might only have a few days with this woman before she disappears around the world again. 

"A week." She spat out, her eyes averting to the floor, trying not to think of their short time together. 

"Can I see you again?" Carina pouted, fluttering her eyes as she awaited the response. 

"I was hoping you would say that. How does tomorrow sound?"

"Sounds perfecto to me bambina."

And with that, Maya leant in and kissed the woman on her cheek before bidding her goodbye and walking back to her house. On her walk home, her mind was going crazy. She had never felt this way about anyone before. Sure Maya had been with people and hooked up but she never wanted anything long-term before. 

She could never commit before, being in the public a lot of the time, she didn't want to get caught out with misleading tabloids or the media. 

But with Carina, it was already feeling different. She felt butterflies the whole time she was with her, feeling giddy when she grabbed her hand or brushed against her. 

Did Carina want a relationship though? She had only met the girl 2 months ago and they had only spoke 3 times. 

Was Maya ready to commit? Could she cope with being tied down with another person with the stress of her career and the Italian woman living in another state. 


I'm not sure if I like this chapter rn but I posted it anyways 😬

Sorry for it being a bit of a slow burn but I don't want to rush it and then have nothing to write. 

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