Chapter 14

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" do?" 

Carina sat and looked at the blonde for a minute, hesitating on what to say. "I do, I love you Maya. I'm sorry if it's too soon or you don't feel the same but I-"

Carina was interrupted by some lips crashing against hers. "I love you too Carina." Maya breathed out, holding the brunette's face. "I've never felt this strongly about something before but, Carina, I fucking love you," She added, making the brunette laugh a little. 

"But wait, does this mean we are together together? Like girlfriends?" Carina furrowed her brows as she asked. "Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" Maya teased, looking deep into the chocolate eyes. 

"I am. Maya Bishop, will you be my girlfriend?" Carina teasingly asked with a funny voice. 

"I suppose so, you're pretty hot I guess," Maya laughed, earning a shove from the brunette. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Of course I will, now, how about we head home?" 


Flashforward 6 weeks 

It was finally the week that Maya and Carina were both waiting on. Carina was getting her cast off and she was able to have more movement on her left side. She would also be able to walk properly without the brace, although she had already been taking it off, doing some stretches and walking slowly around the apartment.

It was a tense few weeks in the apartment. Maya tried to do her best with taking her out for drives. On some days she would take her down to her work so she could at least see Amelia for a few hours and help with a little bit of work. 

Maya had to work a lot, taking full advantage of Carina's office for calls with her manager. She was able to get a lot of her paperwork sent over to the apartment. It was difficult without being in L.A but she made it work. 

But it was soon to be over. Maya urgently needed to go back to L.A, she needed to attend some photoshoots and there were some parties scheduled soon for the label which she needed to attend.


They arrived at the hospital pretty early, hoping they could get everything finished quite quickly so they could leave. 

Dr. Lincoln was happy to see Carina's collarbone and wrist were fully healed after her x-ray so he gave her the all clear to remove the cast. He referred her to a physiotherapist to get some exercises for her knee, even though she insisted that it wasn't necessary. 

Maya sat, quietly watching her girlfriend smile properly for the first time in a while, ready for the freedom and ready to get back to her life. But Maya just couldn't feel the same happiness. Of course, she was glad that the woman was able to do everything as normal again. But this meant Maya had no reason to still be in Seattle. 

Her life was in L.A. 

But yet, she wanted to be further away from it. Maya was in love with Carina, so much that she would drop her career so quick if it meant she could be with her.

After the hospital appointment was finished, Carina was ready to go home, her smile bigger than Maya had seen in 2 months. She was so happy her girlfriend was able to move freely again. 


Carina sensed that something was up with Maya after they left the hospital. She drove them both home in silence, not even putting the radio on. Carina just held onto Maya's hand, stroking her thumb a little.

They had a quiet evening, Carina making dinner because she was finally able to. When they sat down at the table together, she finally decided to break the silence. 

"Maya, what's wrong?" Carina asked, looking concernedly at her girlfriend who wasn't eating, just pushing the food around on her plate. 

"Nothing, I'm fine." Maya bluntly replied, looking down at her plate as she shook her head. 

"You're clearly not, you haven't said a word to me since we came home from the hospital. Just, talk to me, I want to help." Carina spoke. "You're all better now. S-so I have no reason to be in Seattle anymore." Maya finally spoke up about what was bothering her. 

"I knew we would have to have this conversation soon. But I understand Maya, you need to work, you have your whole career in L.A." Carina sighed a little, knowing what was going to be happening with the couple. 

"I just got so used to living with you these past few weeks, I really don't want to leave you." Maya looked up at the brunette, eyes a little watery. "I don't want you to leave either." Carina frowned. 

"Wait, why don't you come with me?" Maya randomly suggested, knowing it was a long shot.

"What are you talking about?" the Italian asked as she screwed her face up. 

"Come with me to L.A. You can meet my team, hang out in my house and I can show you all around my city." Maya smiled a little, looking hopeful. 

"Bambina, I can't just leave Seattle, I have the bookstore to run." Carina argued a little, sighing. 

"I know, I know, it would only be for a little while, I'm sure you and Amelia could work out some kind of plan, you could do all the online stuff, paperwork and everything. I really want you to come Carina." Maya was ready to beg her girlfriend to join her. 

"Okay, I will see what I can do." The Italian gave in, nodding at Maya. Maya smiled wide and got up, hugging her girlfriend. 

"I love you Carina."


Eh, I kind of abandoned this book for a while, I enjoyed it at first but it's a little more complicated to write 

If you guys have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them, but I may just take a little longer to update this book for a while :) 


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