Chapter 8- The Record, Part One

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"Hey, Kagami! Nice to see you again!" Lila smiles and waves her hand when the brunette sees Adrien coming hand-in-hand with his girlfriend.

"Hi," Kagami simply replies.

"Lila, Alya, Nino!" Adrien greets his friends. "Can we sit here?"

"Of course, dude!" Nino grins widely.

"How is the new couple?" Alya winks.

"Great," The bluenette replied, seeming bored with her monotone voice and bouncing focus.

"Alright..." Alya nods, confused. "Hey, Lila, have you heard from Ladybug lately?" The blogger changes the topic.

"Oh, I actually saw her yesterday..." Lila starts spreading another lie that Kagami definitely won't be listening to.

"-ami? Kagami?" Adrien gently touches her shoulder, rubbing it and shaking her out of her daydream.

"Uh, oh, yeah?" The girl frowns, looking at him.

"You're still on for our date this Friday, right?" He innocently smiles.

"Oh, yeah. I just need to get my dress from Marinette. She texted me yesterday that she would give it to me today. Speaking for Marinette, where is she?"

"Marinette?" Alya frowns like she had never met a girl with that name. "That virago refused to do us favors, yelled at the teacher, then ran. She was the angry one! I don't understand! I mean, she could have delayed her study date and helped us! We're the ones who should be angry, not her!" Alya waves her arms angrily and scowls.

"Yeah, dude! Marinette has become so insufferable! It's really ridiculous-"

"-Utterly ridiculous!" Alya finishes with a grin and she, Nino, and Adrien laugh.


Two phones ring at the same time. Lila and Kagami look down to see:

You have a notification from 'The Queens'

QueenBee: Ditch the stupid plan and play the fucking record

Queen Bee sent an MP3.

Queen Bee: She says to do it rn

Queen Bee: We are listening

seen by everyone at 12:48

Lila and Kagami share a look and nod so slightly nobody else at the notices.

"I have to go," Kagami packs her belongings.

"I was just thinking that I'd go to the bathrooms. Walk together?" Lila stands up.

"Okay," Kagami nods and kisses Adrien on his cheek. "Text you later?"

"Yeah," The model smiles brightly.

"Alright. Lila, let's go!" Kagami heads out of the cafeteria, followed by Lila.

"The principal's office?" The bluenette asks while they're walking.

"Of course! He's probably not in and I know where the keys are for it. We play the recording and delete any evidence of-"


You have a notification from 'The Queens'

QueenBee: Oh god you can be so stupid we stopped the cameras

seen by The Ice Queen at 12:51

"I had forgotten how great this feels!" Lila smiles. "How long has it been since we worked behind the scenes together? Ooh, I love it!" Lila smiles naturally, widely.

"Me too! But now we have work to do. Come on!"

Lila squats near the left side of the door and takes out a key so small that it's almost unnoticeable. Then she goes to the door and unlocks it. Kagami hurrys inside, Lila behind her, and the brunette locks again. Kagami takes a muffling device and turns it on so nobody will be able to eavesdrop or spy on them. She gives Lila a pair of gloves and puts another pair on her hands.

"Alright, let's work! Kagami, give me your decoding flash drive, mine is in the classroom," Kagami unzips the smallest front pocket of her backpack and gives the device to Lila. She plugs it in the fitting place and starts hacking the password. Meanwhile, Kagami opens one of the bureaus and takes one of the principal's flash drives. Using a small addition, the bluenette transfers the record to the device. A ding notifies Lila that the Principal's computer is unlocked and the brunette grins. She returns Kagami's decoding device and takes the one with the record. Installing a virus that won't allow the record to be stopped until it finishes playing, Lila removes her traces and plugs the flash into the school's audio system. Kagami packs everything and cleans their fingertips. She looks on the floor for footsteps.

"Ready?" Lila looks at Kagami. The bluenette unlocks and slightly opens the door.

"Do it," Kagami nods. Lila presses the button and runs with the bluenette out of the room, locking it behind them.

That's when the record starts.

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