10: That Cloth- 👕

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Nick and I limped through the house, still trying to avoid any more guys. 

My knuckles were throbbing in pain, "Damn it-" I cursed under my breath as Nick took a sideways glance at me.

"You good?" he asked, concerned. I nodded, "Just a little hard around that spot..." 

He chuckled, "Told you- not as easy as it looks," I glared at him- I didn't say it was easy- I just thought... nevermind." 

 "Joe- you were awesome-" said Kevin, through the earpiece. "Just a little concern on the fact you took your punches at that guy- it was awesome." 

Nick laughed and I teased, "Well, Kevin- I wish you were out here- how many punches could you have thrown?" 

I felt Kevin cross his arms- "No way, I wouldn't have done anything besides... staying behind you," Nick laughed and I heard a few beeps on Kevin's end.

"What's that?" I asked, stopping in my tracks.

"Uh oh- wait, Nick-" started Kevin, unsure.

"What?" said Nick, panic in his voice. "Kevin... what's going on inside the room...?"

I heard Kevin struggle to answer- "Is that room Selena's room?" 

"Yes, Kevin, what's going on in Selena's room!?" Nick hissed, making me jump as I press my ear to the door- there wasn't much sound.

"She's not in there, Nick-" said Kevin's beeping voice- I heard Nick's heart stop. I was hearing it beat earlier- okay?

"No way-" he gasped, kicking the door open- okay a little dramatic over here, brother.

"She- she's gone- no... we're too late," he walked over to the bed as Kevin caught up behind me- "He took her," Nick repeated, his voice cracking a little.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and scanned the room, it was always much better to not say anything in comforting Nick.

The room was mostly clean, everything was where it would've always been- just that there was a chair in the corner of the room and the balcony door was open.

I noticed something on the ground and my hand left Nick's shoulder, he looked up to see me crouching on the floor, picking the cloth up and putting it between my fingers.

I sniffed the cloth- it smelt like designer cologne, similar to mine, just rougher.

"What's that?" asked Kevin, taking the cloth from me, but I snatched it back- "Don't touch it, we're supposed to collect the DNA from this thing!" I hissed, making Nick raise his eyebrows at me.

"Okay- I know I have cuffs and tasers-" started Nick, wiping his sweat from his face. "But I don't own a DNA... thingy, I don't even know what it's called!"

Kevin rubbed his chin, pretending to think. 

I looked out the window, the sky was mid purple, it was nearing 5 and sooner or later the sun would be pretty high in the air.

"We could just ask the doctors or scientists to test 'em out," I suggested, folding the cloth nicely in my pocket. "But my concern is that- the thing's a cloth, not skin." 

Nick nodded and scanned the room, I notice that he too, found the room empty of nothing but furniture.

"Darn it- we can't stay here longer," he said, as Kevin yawned.

"Yeah, dudes, I really gotta-" Kevin paused to yawn. "Take a nap..." Nick rubbed his eyes and slapped Kevin on the back as he nearly dozed off- 

"What!?" He jerked, I laughed and pointed to the bruises on my face- "I really gotta clean these up, just gotta remember that my face is my instrument..." 

"Oh yeah," said Nick, agreeing with me. We all trotted out of the room to find the bathroom, Kevin leading the way.

The stairs were all worn out as the carpet was misplaced. I avoided touching the handrail, scared I'd get bozo viruses from all of the idiots touching it.

I'm going to be writing in 3rd person now because the last time I heard, spy/action books are better in 3rd person.


They all trotted down the stairs, in order from Nick, Joe, then Kevin. 

As they reached the bathroom, they all tumbled in, melting on the ground. Kevin scanned the room for the duffel bag, which probably had the first-aid kit.

Kevin buried his hands inside the bag, looking for the first-aid kit. 

"What kind of supply bag doesn't have a first-aid kit!?" He groaned, giving up as he pulled his hands out of the bag.

Nick slapped Kevin's hand away from the bag and stuck his own hand inside- "It's right... here." He pulled it out. 

Kevin's face went red in embarrassment, due to the fact that he couldn't find it in the first place.

"Alright, hand it over, Nick," said Joe, sticking his hand out, gesturing for the bag. 

Nick chuckled and took some alcohol, soft cloth, and a few bandages. He then handed the bag to Joe, who found himself an iced gel pack. 

"There's a fridge in the first aid kit?" He asked, putting the ice to his hands, exhaling a sound of satisfaction. "Oh yes, that is good shit-"

They cleaned themselves up and gathered up the bags and laptops. They hurried out of the house and drove back to Kevin's home.

"Oh geez," yawned Kevin as he struggled out of his clothes. "We're going to need to start doing those things more often." He received a backhand slap from Nick as Joe stripped out of the clothes as well.

"Go to bed, guys," said Nick, yawning. 

Joe nodded and they all climbed up the stairs, half asleep. 

Nick reached the room first and went inside without saying goodbye to Kevin. Joe lingered for a hug, "Goodnight, buddy- you were great, thanks for having my back-" Kevin patted Joe's back slightly, "I'm always here for you, man. Goodnight-" 

They pulled away and Kevin climbed up the stairs, closing the door behind him as Joe pulled on a t-shirt and climbed into bed with an already-asleep Nick.


I'm having writer's block. Oh no. The frick frack tic tac toe is going on with me- I'm supposed to produce 2 chapters a day!

I'll try my best to write of course- thanks for reading this one!

𝕲𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖟 𝕺𝖇𝖘𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓 (Nelena) | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now