The New Girl: Chapter 18

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Upstairs at the party, Kota had found his way into Cody's bedroom. After judging his rather expensive clothes and bedding, he began looking at the photos on Cody's dresser. There was a photo of Cody and Sasha at what appeared to be the beach. Another was of Cody and the guys. Kota picked up the frame and looked closer. From left to right there was Seth, Roman, Miz, Cody then Kenny. Kota looked closer as Kenny and Cody standing side by side.

"Find anything interesting?" Cody suddenly asked from the doorway.

Kota jumped in fright, dropping the photo on the floor. Oddly enough, the glass on the frame cracked right between Cody and Kenny.

"Shit." Kota said as he began to pick up the frame.

"It's okay, just leave it. I'll get it later." Cody said as he walked into the room.

Kota couldn't help but be a little embarrassed that he had been snooping.

"I'm surprised you actually came tonight." Cody told him.

Kota took a sip of his beer.

"To be honest, I have no idea why I'm here." Kota confessed.

"Oh I think I do." Cody said as he took off his shirt.

Kota tried his best to not be impressed by Cody's abs.

"The pool right?" Cody asked almost jokingly.

Kota watched as Cody walked out the glass door of his bedroom that lead out to a terrace and jumped in the his pool.

"So what is it, hm?" Roman asked April with his hand draped over the steering wheel.

April was staring straight out the window, regretting her decision for fall into Roman's game.

"What are you talking about?" She asked with hint of annoyance.

"Back at the party you said that wasn't your idea of fun. So what is it?" Roman asked curiously. "What's your idea of fun?

April took a deep breath and hesitated to answer. The last thing she wanted to do was start a conversation with Roman.

"Reading, music, writing.." April began to say as Roman let out a laugh. "Wrestling." She added quietly.

"Wrestling?" Roman asked in surprise.

April shook her head, knowing that he was going to judge her.

"Like MMA or the fake stuff?" Roman asked.

April turned her head and stared at him with disbelief. Roman couldn't help but be a little afraid of the look she was giving him.

"Um.." Roman tried to figure out what he had said wrong.

Even though April's blood was boiling, she knew Roman wasn't worth the energy.

"Pull over." She told him

"What?" Roman asked in confusion.

"I'm getting out of the car." April said.

"Look, whatever I said-."Roman began to say as April opened her car door.

Roman slammed on his breaks as she got out of the car.

"What the hell are you doing?" Roman asked.

April slammed the door shut and grabbed her bag from the ground.

"Are you fucking crazy?" Roman asked as he got out of the car.

"I can walk the rest of the way." April assured him.

Roman stared at her for a moment, not understanding a thing that had just happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2021 ⏰

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