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She was everything.

Everything in which I desired;
in which I craved.
She could not have possibly known how much she meant to me.
How every day and every night she filled my head with her curiosity and peculiar outlook on the world;
how I stayed up until rays of light kissed the grass remembering how lovely she looked the day before.

Her beauty was as enchanting as that of the forest. You could gaze upon her, study every inch of her, and find yourself lost in it all; not knowing or wanting to find a way out. Her eyes, drawn in the finest grey, reflected the moon, and if you stared too long, you'd forget who you were.

She was almighty; larger than life itself and yet she felt so damn small. Her voice shone louder and brighter than the sun;
God, she was the sun.

And I was merely a minuscule star amongst her universe.

//copyright © louminosity 2015\\

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