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"My whole life I've been treated like I am worthless; a nuisance who deserves nothing. Now there's this girl, treated just the same. But she deserves the goddamned world, you see."
-Harry's journal.


The following morning I was tugging at the ends of my jacket, the wind biting at my skin. Echoes of the heels of my boots against the cement chimed in the street as I took brisk steps toward the bakery to escape the cold. I stepped inside, a smile forming on my lips as a horrific frown set on Anneliese's.

"You again?" She huffed, tying her apron tighter around her hourglass waist.

I smirked, hanging the jacket on a nearby rack. "A wonderful greeting. I feel very welcomed now, thank you."

Her expression lightened as she let a brief chuckle out, hands planted on the cash register. "Let me guess, surprise you?"

I shook my head, leaning against the counter to close the gap between her and I. "Actually," I began in a low tone, gesturing for her to move closer to hear me better. "I'm here for a job."

I started when obnoxious laughter rang in my ears, taking a few steps back.

"Are you serious? Do you know how mad you'd make me if Father let you work here?" She glanced about then, almost frightened at the mention of her own father. No one else was around besides her sister, who popped her head out from the back room. "Why, I'd be in the mad house."

"I'm not that bad," I protested, my eyes shifting between the two girls. Nora shuffled out in the open, hands dirtied with a white powder. "Give me a chance."

Nora wiped her fingers on her apron, "What's so funny?" It was then that Anneliese stopped laughing, and leaned into her sister to whisper.

"Still standing right here." As she continued to whisper about me, Nora fixed her eyes on me, observing me carefully. "I have experience. I've worked in a bakery before."

Nora's eyes grew brighter. "Really?" She lightly pushed her sister away, whose cheeks were flushed in a deep scarlet.

"For the love of God, don't get him started on that again." But Nora ignored her. Instead, she moved out from behind the counter and walked up to me. We were so close, I could hear her faint, nervous breaths.

"Nora," I started to beg. It wasn't like I needed the money, because I didn't. I was fortunate enough, given the circumstances, to have money saved already. But I wanted to do something else than what I had grown accustomed to. I wanted to surround myself with new people, so the loneliness would subside for the small time being.

She put her dainty hand up to stop me. "If you're going to work here, you have to get my name right."

I nearly wrapped my arms around her and lifted her off her feet to show my gratitude. "So I've got the job?"

"I'm sure my father will appreciate the extra help," she nodded warily, Anneliese shaking her head in dissaproval behind her.

I wasn't sure if I could ever repay Nora Jane for bringing me in that day, but I did know that I'd try.


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