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mood: BLUE- troye sivan
(ft. alex hope)


"Losing someone is like losing a piece of yourself. When they've gone, they take you with them and you never really get that part of you back. I'm missing bits and pieces of myself, but I believe she can fill every emptiness."
-Harry's journal.


I fumbled with my keys as Nora Jane stood behind me, arms wrapped tightly around herself to escape the wind. She nearly collapsed onto my couch when I helped her inside the flat. She had cried until there were no more tears, until she had exhausted herself.

"I'm sorry, Harry. I'm so very sorry," she croaked, her voice hoarse from the ride home. "You don't deserve this."

I kneeled before her, placing my palms on her knees. "Leg up, I'll take your shoes off."

"Listen to me, Harry. You can throw me out. Send me away. You don't deserve this," she said.

I gently tugged at her shoes, slipping her dainty feet out from their captors. After, I wished to rest my head against her thighs. I could have slept there, with my head pressed against her body. Rather, I stood and ordered her to follow.

I led her to my bedroom, flipping the lights on. "I want you to sleep in here. If you'd like, I'll take you home in the morning. Or, you may stay here."

She didn't object, for she knew there was no use in trying. I wouldn't have listened anyway. She simply nodded, continuing to hug herself.

I found my spot on the couch, pulling my sweater over my head. There it lay on the floor as I gathered a blanket from behind the couch.

It wasn't comfortable. A sharp pain spread through my back as I struggled to find a decent position against the cushions. I reminded myself I was doing it for Nora Jane. Suddenly the pain was bearable.

"Getting comfortable?" Nora Jane stood in the doorway to my bedroom, leaned against the frame. She was draped in an old sweater of mine; oversized, faded, with various holes ripped in the sleeves. The nearly beige color blended with her fair skin, resting just above her knees. She anxiously tugged at the bottom, trying to hide every inch of her body.

I warmly smiled at her, flattening out the creases in the blanket. There was an ache in my heart at the sight of her in my clothes. "As much as I can. Sofas aren't the ideal place to sleep."

Nora Jane furrowed her thick brows. She then took an elastic band from around her wrist, and began pulling her hair into one hand. I found a position on the couch, stretching my legs before me. I watched as she struggled with containing every curl into the band's embrace. She gave a hard tug to finish the ponytail, making sure it would stay in place.

"Thank you for doing this," she gave a breathless laugh, twirling a loose hem on the sweater between her index and thumb. "You really didn't have to."

"I really did. You need a good night's sleep, so get to it. The sheets are clean, don't worry. If you need an extra pillow, I can surely find one."

She nodded quietly, staring down at her bare feet. As she turned to walk into my room, she stopped herself, catching my attention. "You know, it's pretty lonely in here. Would you, uh, like to join me?"

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