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Guys! I wrote a book!!

Writing is hard work, time-consuming, and sometimes mentally exhausting. But it is so rewarding. Especially when others take an interest in and become excited about your work and share in your ideas. I have so many of the most wonderful people to thank for helping me get this story written and made to the best it can be.

First and most importantly, praise be to God for the many blessings He has poured on me, including the affinity and desire to write, and for the many people He's placed in my life to influence my writing:

Thank you, Emma, for drawing my characters so that I—and everyone else—can see them beyond just my imagination. Your art is inspiring and amazing! I've always admired your creativity and style! I consider myself blessed to have you as a friend!

Thank you, Rebekah, for being the first to read this part of the story all the way through—in a couple of hours, no less (even though it wasn't finished yet)—and geeking with me about writing that led to so many cool ideas and thoughts that benefited us both in our writing endeavors. I love you, Cuz, and keep writing!

Thank you, Savannah, for the enthusiasm you always gave me when I talked about my unhealthy obsession of an idea that would become this story. It really encouraged me to continue to work on it. Also, thank you for letting me bounce ideas off you, and for reciprocating ideas as well. Also also, thank you for being my most amazing best friend. You're awesome! I love you, bleeehhh!

Thank you, Robert, for sparking my imagination for this story from a random conversation we had late at night when we were exhausted and probably delusional. Thank you for helping me develop these characters into people that (literally) glow with uniqueness and individuality. I know time is valuable, yet you dedicated some of yours to this story. Thank you for taking an interest in something I love to do, and for giving me helpful insights and feedback that made this story even better. Your help and support mean more to me than you can imagine, and I'll forever be thankful for you. I'm sending you all the hugs!

Thank you to the friends and family I may have based characters off of because you guys are too wonderful and it was too good of an opportunity to pass up! Thank you, Meridith, Camden, Mikayla, Jacob, Cara, Kyle, Destinee, and Michael.

Thank you to my parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, friends, coworkers, and anyone else who stuck it out when I raved about this story and others like an absolute lunatic. I love you all!

And finally, thank you to the readers who have indulged my amateur writing. I am overwhelmed with gratitude and encouragement at the support I have felt from so many of you. You are truly wonderful, and I am humbly grateful for each and every one of you. It was you all who kept me motivated when I faced negative thoughts and insecurities about my writing. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

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