Chapter 3 - You'll Have To Turn Him

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I'm really enjoying writing this story. It's a bit more laid back then my other writings, and makes me calm down... :)


Liam’s P.O.V.

            Niall seemed to hit it up with Zayn, and I didn’t like it. There was something about Zayn that made me uneasy, maybe it was that fact that he still stared at me, and he winked at me. I couldn’t figure out what I had done. That Louis lad didn’t do that stuff towards me, so what was with Zayn?

            I was excited that they were going to stay for a week or two—I had overheard Niall’s conversation with them. But I hoped that Zayn would stop staring at me. It was starting to make me feel bad.

            “Taking your lunch break?” Someone said, falling into step with me. It was Niall, he must have finished eating and run to catch up to me.

            “Yeah,” I nodded with a smile.

            “So, do you like Zayn and Louis? They are staying for a week or two,” He smiled enthusiastically.

            “Yeah, but I don’t know if I like Zayn,” I said, “He makes me feel all weird.”

            Niall broke out laughing, “Sounds like you’re in love with him,”

            “No, that’s not it,” I said shaking my head and hitting his arm, “He like, stares at me, like I’m doing something wrong, and then he winked at me,” I explained.

            “Okay, let me fix my original statement. Sounds like he is in love with you,” Niall giggled, throwing his arm around my shoulder.

            “No, Niall,” I shook my head, “He definitely isn’t gay,”

            From everything I had collected from Zayn, he was straight, and sometimes played the bad boy role, but not always. He was quiet, but not overly so, and he didn’t seem gay at all. But then again, you aren’t normally able to tell whether someone is gay until you know them well. I didn’t know anything about Zayn really. I decided that if I didn’t know him well, I should stop making assumptions and conclusions. It was rude.

            “Well, if he was staring at you, and he winked at you,” Niall explained, “Then there is something definitely there,”

            “No,” I insisted.

            “Oh, c’mon Liam,” Niall groaned, “You are the hottest guy in town,”

            “Wha--” I opened my mouth to question him, but he cut me off.

            “I can assure you that you catch everyone’s eye, whether they are a girl, a guy, whether they are straight, or gay. You just have that extremely sexy vibe about you, and you are polite and nice on top of all that.” Niall stopped walking and so did I.

The Waiter Boy - A Ziam AU Mini-FicWhere stories live. Discover now