Chapter 11 - Goodbye?

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Zayn’s P.O.V.

            So this was it.

            Harry and Louis were standing by the car, packing their things into the trunk, and waiting for me. I just stood there, staring at the diner, feeling heartbroken and betrayed. I thought that this sudden spark, this pull of fate, this unbelievable twist of love would mean something. I thought that Liam would be with me forever. But I was wrong. He didn’t want to come with me, and I had to leave, I had to go back home.

            I stared at the diner more, just imagining Liam inside, doing his job with a small smile on his face. Why didn’t he even come to say goodbye? I think that’s what hurt the most. He had said goodbye to Harry earlier, when I was still in the hotel packing. So, I hadn’t seen Liam since the funeral.

            “Zayn, mate,” Louis called, “We have to go,”

            I looked towards them, and then back to the diner, feeling tears well up in my eyes. Could I leave him behind? Was I willing to just let him go that easily?

            I then walked towards the car, knowing that if it was meant to be, it wouldn’t have ended like this. Maybe I should forget this little town ever existed.

Liam’s P.O.V.

            He was probably already gone. My heart was split in two. I refused to leave the diner though, just in case they were still packing up to leave. I couldn’t bear to see Zayn. I didn’t want to see the broken look on his face. It was my fault. Why was I so afraid to leave this town behind? Why couldn’t I just let go, and move on?

            I had too many memories here. My granny, my parents, my friends, they all lived here. Plus if Harry was leaving, I couldn’t leave Nialler behind, he would be angry with me. Staying here was the best decision, even if it meant I had to give up the one thing in life I truly wanted: Zayn.

            Tears welled in my eyes, and I headed back into the kitchen, glad that the diner was pretty empty. I walked to the corner of the room, and let the tears flow, slumping down the wall until I was sitting on he floor, my knees pulled up the my chest. Suddenly, I heard the starting of the car engine outside, and the sound of a car driving down the road. That was it.

            I had lost Zayn forever.                           

            The tears came in waves and I just curled up, crying and imagining Zayn’s face and smell. Why couldn’t I have been stronger?

            Why didn’t I just go with him?

            I had lost the only person who had ever made me feel something more.

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