Chapter 8 - Life Is An Uphill Battle

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Like I said, this is a short story, and honestly, it's almost over. Two or three chapters left.


Zayn’s P.O.V.

            I couldn’t just leave town now. That was no longer an option. Liam was mine, and I had to persuade him to come with me. I had to. If Louis still wanted to return home after this week, I had to go back with him. My parents would be worried sick if I didn’t return after a month. So, the only thing to do was tell Liam that he had a better life set for him, somewhere else, not in this small town. There was something better waiting right around the corner. He just had to trust me, and we would be able to start a new life, together.

            “Zayn?” Liam asked as he scribbled down a customer’s order on his notepad.

            “Yeah, babe?” I asked. He smiled when I called him that, but the refocused on the conversation at hand.

            “You’re not going to…” He trailed off, biting his lip unsure.

            “Going to what?” I asked gently, setting my hand on his and feeling like flames were crawling up my arm.

            “You’re not going to leave me, are you?”

            My heart sunk when he said that. Did he really think I would just leave him? How had he known what I was thinking about? I shook my head vigorously, “I would never leave you, I won't leave you, alright?” I said.

            He nodded, “But what about Louis? What about your family?”

            “I…I don’t know yet, Liam,” I sighed, running my hands through my hair. Liam returned to his work, wiping down tables and grabbing food from the kitchen.

            Suddenly the diner bell rung and in walked Harry and Louis, both of the smiling like crazy, but standing a good foot apart.

            “Hey you two,” I said as they sat next to me.

            “Hi,” Louis chirped. Harry just nodded in my direction, not taking his eyes off of Louis. I shook my head at them. I can already hear the wedding bells for those two. Poor Eleanor.

            Then, the bell rung again, and this time it was Danielle walking into the diner. Shit.

            “Liam!” She called running towards him and pulling him into a hug. His hands were full, so he didn’t hug back, but she clung on to him for dear life.

            “Hey, Dani,” he said softly. A sharp pain hit my chest as he called her by a nickname. I didn’t like it. My palms started twitching and I had to clench my fists to restrain myself.

            They were just friends. Just friends. Liam emptied his hands and finally returned her hug.

The Waiter Boy - A Ziam AU Mini-FicWhere stories live. Discover now