Caught .

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Me and Rico had been together for about a week now. I still couldn't believe he asked me out. We only had 2 more days together until I had to go back home. But I guess Rico was horny or something because he kept touching on me and saying little freaky stuff here and there. Finally we had some alone time so I decided we could do it since this was our last time seeing each other for like a month or two until I moved with him.

"Y/n lock the door."

"Wait i'm doing something."

Rico walks behind you and grabs your phone out your hand.

"Well that something can wait, I just heard them leave so this mean we got some alone time now come on."

You turn around to see your tall fine boyfriend hovering over you. Wow how hot.

He pulls your neck a bit as he comes down to your height to kiss you. Y'all slowly creep over to the bed as you guys where still so into the kiss. He pulls away and pushes you down. He takes his clothes off which signals you to do the same. Y'all was booty butt naked and he started to kiss all over your body. You let out some slight moans here and there. You were still kinda shy around Rico and this was y'all first time doing the D but you tried to open up. (Which you did end up regretting later.)
He bends down to your 😺 and starts to lick it all over. You were squirming and lightly moaning from the pleasure.

"Cmon let it out baby, you know it feels good."

As those words came out his mouth your moans started to get louder and louder by the second. You were gripping the sheets and his hair trying to pull away. But he had a tight grip around both your thighs. You finally came on his face and he grabbed the towel he had next to him to wipe his face. He laid down and you started to suck him up. You was giving him that superstitious deliciousness extravaganza 9000. His low groans got louder as he got closer to his high.

"Aw fuck, right there baby." He groaned pushing your head down for more pleasure.

You where gagging and everything but at least he felt good. You wanted this to be something he remembered. Plus you wouldn't be able to see him for a while after this. He finally busted his nut and flipped you over into doggy and started slowly thrusting into you. His pace was steady, more like he was teasing you. It had only been a few minutes since you came so he had to be doing it on purpose. Every thrust he did was followed by a low long moan. As he started to speed up your moans got loud until they turned into whimpers.

You were about to cum soon, but you could tell Rico was no where near finished.

"Baee g-gonna cumm."

"Not yet baby, hold on."

You sighed and bent down into a more flexed arch. Ricos hands rubbed your back as you did so. You took one of the pillows next to you and tried to cover your mouth. But Rico snatched it right away.

"Why you tryna hide them moans baby."

You couldn't do anything but whimper in response. He continued pounding into you as you tried and tried to hold in your cum. Until the bedroom door slowly crept open. It was pg's daughter.

As she looked she hurried and covered her eyes.


Rico hurried and tried to grab a blanket or pillow to cover you guys up.

"Aw shit... uh get out sweetie." You said super super embarrassed.

"Why are you here... fuck your dads gonna kill me." Rico exclaimed.

She walked out with her hand still covering her face then y'all heard the front door being unlocked. You started to get up but Rico laid you back down.

"Bae they back." You whispered

"I don't care."

"Well I do."

You got up pushing him off of you. I'm finna go PG can kill you not me. You got dressed and started to pack up some stuff. Then you heard the door open. It was PG, his daughter, and Berlin laughing hard as fuck.

"So y'all was fucking." Pg said

"Ummmmmmm uhh." You were speechless you didn't know what to say it was so embarrassing.

"bruhhh how y'all forget to lock the door." Berlin still was dying laughing.

"Aye bruh if y'all wanna do all that y'all gotta go." Berlin said still laughing his ass off.

"Well my flight is tomorrow so I can rent a hotel near the airport."

"Yeah y'all can get it in over there."

"Berlin shut the hell up."

PG, his daughter, and Berlin all walked out laughing.

"Rico your dumb asl."

"But you still love me."

"Bye i'm finna go."

Imma end it there y'all want more rico stories or nawwww.

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