The bedroom #2😌

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So into this kiss is just what cory wanted so you wouldn't realized when he stuck it in. He smashed it into you, you literally thought you were dreaming. You moaned so loud. Cory looked up at your and smiled, "you liked that huh baby, you love daddies dick." (Lmao i cant take this serious.)

He lowered down so he could kiss you, but you didn't want to kiss him you would cum if you did from the overwhelming pleasure. But he was to strong and grabbed your neck to kiss you. You guys kissed for a bit until you finally pushed back. "I-i'm g-gonna cum, Cory." You said pausing between each word. "Thats not my name y/n." He said smiling and pounding a little harder. "O-ok daddy." You said quickly as you were about to cum. You finally did but Cory was still going. You literally were seeing stars at this point. "Please, C-cory." You moaned. He started slowing down as he was on the verge  of cumming as well. He finally did and you bothed sighed in relief to catch your breath.

You were about to stand up when Cory then grabbed your neck and kissed you. You moaned in the kiss. His hands curiously roamed your body and yours roamed his as well. You felt as if you were in heaven. You met him a few days ago but it felt like you knew him forever. He finally let go and started to walk towards his clothes on the floor. You started to follow but fell, he turned as he heard the thud, "haha, you good?" He chuckled as he helped you up. "Yeah" you said nervously. You finally got dressed and walked downstairs to make some popcorn and watch Netflix. You felt like you wanted another round but Cory was editing and you didn't wanna interrupt. A few hours passed and you were washing your bowl out when Cory walked downstairs. You didn't notice until he pinned you against the counter. "Your mines, you know that right mamas?" Your 😺 started to throb when he said that. "Yes, Cory." He kissed your forehead and turned to walk upstairs. "I'm gonna go to sleep I'll drive you home in the morning." "Ok." You responded. He stopped mid stair and turned to look at you. "Oh and btw the correct term is daddy." He smirked and continued up the stairs.

You laughed under your breath. You got lucky with this one. You watched a bit more Netflix and then joined Cory in bed. You kissed his forehead and saw him smile a bit. You were one happy girl.

More parts coming soon, make sure y'all vote and follow byeeez✨

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