Chapter Nine: Interview

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"And I would've gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for you meddling FBI team!"

Morgan's eyes narrow at the extremely unpleasant man sitting in the interrogation room across from him. "Do you even know how much jail time your going to get for this?"

"I feel like it's probably not that much," Kennedy smirks. "I'll just get 10-15 years. I did my research. I just knew kidnapping Spencer dear's mother would allow us some quality alone time." 

"Why didn't you just ask him out like, say, a normal person?" Morgan retorts. 

"You think he'd say yes to me?" Kennedy rolls his eyes. "No, I needed him alone and all to myself. Also, Spencer bound up was so hot." 

Morgan clenches his fist into balls to control himself from slapping the sicko upside the head. "We're done here."

"But I need to talk to him. Badly."

Morgan rolls his eyes and rises from the table, but Kennedy cries out, "I need to talk to him!" 

"I don't think so!" Morgan exclaims, when Reid opens the door to the interrogation room. "Reid, what are you-" 

"Couldn't stay away, hon?" Kennedy licks his lips. 

"Reid, you don't have to do this," Morgan puts his hand on the younger agent's shoulder. 

"You know I do. I have to face him." 

Morgan nods, squeezes Reid's shoulder supportively, and exits the room. 

Reid sits down in the chair across from Kennedy and takes a deep breath. "What do you want to say to me, Kennedy?" 

"That I think we'd be an amazing couple." 


"Call me Alex." 

Reid shuts his eyes, angrily. "Why didn't you just kidnap me? Why kidnap my mom? It doesn't make sense." 

"Okay, I don't know if you remember this, but I asked you to Prom. You said no." 

"I don't." 

"I asked you in front of the whole cafeteria. I sang you a song and you said no." 

"I honestly don't remember this, but if I did, it was probably because I was very, well, am very awkward and didn't go to social functions." 

"People made fun of me for years for that. You ruined my life." 

"Many people in high school say that exact same phrase and it is never the case." 


This sudden outburst from Kennedy makes Reid jump, but he rather quickly composes himself, hardenign his voice. "I understand that high school was hard for you. I feel your pain, I do, but that does not in any way excuse your behavior and actions. I took the abuse I suffered and used it to become what I am today. you took yours and turned it into something awful. We can learn from our experiences and grow, or we can wallow in self-pity and hatred. That is the difference between us. That's also the reason we'd make an awful couple." 

Reid rises from the table and gives Kennedy a steely look, walking briskly out the door. 

When the door is closed to the interrogation room, Reid exhales the breath he'd been holding in since he entered the room, starting to slightly shake. 

Morgan and Prentiss rush over to Reid. "Hey, you okay?" Prentiss asks.

Reid nods shakily. "I think so." 

Prentiss hugs Reid. "That was so brave, Reid." 

Morgan nods. "It really was. You ready to head home?" 



Setting down his bags in his apartment, Reid sighs. Man, he's exhausted. 

He flops down on the couch and calls for the seventh time to check that his mother is still safe at Bennginton's. She is, the slightly-annoyed secretary informs him.

Just as he's about to put away his cell phone, his phone rings and he answers, "Hello?"

"Hey, Reid. It's Hotch. I want you to take the next couple of days off, okay? Just to rest."


"Well, you went through quite the ordeal."

"But what if we get a case?"

"We can handle it. I know everyone will chip in to cover your duties and make sure you're well."

"But I want to help. I need to help put away people like Kennedy. I need to."

"Fine, but for sure get some rest tonight."

"That's definetly the plan, sir."  



Thanks, everyone SO MUCH for reading my little creation! I appreciate all the likes and comments and thanks for sticking with this story! :) 

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